
安豐縣 (traditional Chinese)

安丰县 (simplified Chinese)

Anfeng Xian (Pinyin)

type: xian county
temporal span: from 583 to 1381
spatial info: POINT point N 32.33413 E 116.67452 (geo data source: FROM_FD)
part of:

扬州 Yang Zhou from 583 to 588
寿州 Shou Zhou from 589 to 606
淮南郡 Huainan Jun from 607 to 620
寿州 Shou Zhou from 621 to 741
寿春郡 Shouchun Jun from 742 to 757
寿州 Shou Zhou from 758 to 956
寿州 Shou Zhou from 957 to 1115
寿春府 Shouchun Fu from 1116 to 1131
寿州 Shou Zhou from 1132 to 1141
安丰军 Anfeng Jun from 1142 to 1161
寿春府 Shouchun Fu from 1162 to 1166
安丰军 Anfeng Jun from 1167 to 1276
安丰路 Anfeng Lu from 1277 to 1366
临濠府 Linhao Fu from 1367 to 1368
寿州 Shou Zhou from 1369 to 1370
临濠府 Linhao Fu from 1371 to 1372
中立府 Zhongli Fu from 1373 to 1373
凤阳府 Fengyang Fu from 1374 to 1381
no subunits
data source: CHGIS
source note: 待补
Copyright: 2024 © CHGIS, License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published by: China Historical GIS [Harvard University and Fudan University]

Generated by the Temporal Gazetteer Service