The Space Between Us - Social Geography and Politics

SpeakerRyan Enos  (Harvard University, Dept of Government)


Date and Time:   Thursday Dec 7th,  12:00pm  -  1:30pm

The Space Between Us brings the connection between geography, psychology, and politics to life. By going into the neighborhoods of real cities, Enos shows how our perceptions of racial, ethnic, and religious groups are intuitively shaped by where these groups live and interact daily. Through the lens of numerous examples across the globe and drawing on a compelling combination of research techniques including field and laboratory experiments, big data analysis, and small-scale interactions, this timely book provides a new understanding of how geography shapes politics and how members of groups think about each other. This rigorous research illuminates the profound effects of social geography on how we relate, think, and politically interact across groups in the fabric of our daily lives.

Speaker Bio:

Ryan Enos is an Associate Professor of Government at Harvard University.  He is a leading expert on the intersection of geography, psychology, and politics.  His research has appeared in top scholarly publications, such as the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and the American Political Science Review, and in worldwide news outlets, such as the New York Times.  Prior to earning his PhD, he was a high school teacher on the South Side of Chicago, an urban space which inspired much of his research. This is his first book.

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