
安慶府 (traditional Chinese)

安庆府 (simplified Chinese)

Anqing Fu (Pinyin)

type: fu superior prefecture
temporal span: from 1362 to 1911
spatial info: POINT point N 30.51229 E 117.03468 (geo data source: FROM_AC)
part of:

江南行省 Jiangnan Xings from 1362 to 1367
南京 Nanjing from 1368 to 1377
京师 Jingshi from 1378 to 1402
南京 Nanjing from 1403 to 1424
京师 Jingshi from 1425 to 1440
南京 Nanjing from 1441 to 1644
江南省 Jiangnan Sheng from 1645 to 1666
安徽省 Anhui Sheng from 1667 to 1759
安徽省 Anhui Sheng from 1760 to 1911
sub units:
data source: CHGIS
source note: 静海军节度使(939—977年)界线和治所


Copyright: 2024 © CHGIS, License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published by: China Historical GIS [Harvard University and Fudan University]

Generated by the Temporal Gazetteer Service