
連州 (traditional Chinese)

连州 (simplified Chinese)

Lian Zhou (Pinyin)

type: 直隶州 直隸州 zhi li zhou independent prefecture
temporal span: from 1282 to 1368
spatial info: POINT point N 24.77001 E 112.07833 (geo data source: FROM_AC)
part of:

潭州行省 Tanzhou Xingsh from 1282 to 1284
湖广等处行省 Huguangdengchu from 1285 to 1291
江西行省 Jiangxi Xingsh from 1292 to 1368
sub units:
data source: CHGIS
Copyright: 2024 © CHGIS, License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published by: China Historical GIS [Harvard University and Fudan University]

Generated by the Temporal Gazetteer Service