
Голтвианский уѣздѣ (Cyrillic) attested by: SLOV_POLUNIN

Голтвианский уезд (Cyrillic) attested by: SLOV_POLUNIN

Goltvianskii uezd (Russian Simplified ALA-LC) attested by: SLOV_POLUNIN

type: уезд уѣздѣ uezd county
temporal span: from 1785 to 1796
spatial info: POINT point N 49.4202 E 33.85422 (geo data source: )
sub units:
data source: HGR
source note: This gazetteer entry does not have a specific page reference in the source text: "Slovar uchrezhdennykh v Rossiarmarok i torgov" by Fedor Afanasevich POLUNIN.
source uri: http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.b4583201;view=1up;seq=1
Copyright: 2024 © HGR, License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published by: China Historical GIS [Harvard University and Fudan University]

Generated by the Temporal Gazetteer Service