February 2011


February 2011




•    H.T. Fisher Prize for Harvard Students

•    CGA Poster and Video Contest: Call for Submissions

•    Call for Applications: GIS Summer Institute at the CGA

•    CGA Visiting Scholar

•    WorldMap: Supporting Academic Collaboration with Open Source

•    CGA Geographic Storytelling Website

•    District Builder: An Open Source Web-based Redistricting Application

•    New Data in Harvard Geospatial Library

•    Harvard Geospatial Library Releases New Interface Upgrades

•    URISA 2011 Student Competition

•    VISualize 2011 Users Meeting

•    GITA Scholarship and Internship for GIS Students

•    National Council for Geographic Education Grants

•    ESRI Community Analyst

•    Geophotos: An Artistic Map and Photo Exhibit

•    Celmapper.net Cellular Coverage and Tower Maps

•    Map Your Facebook Friends

•    More…




H.T. Fisher Prize for Harvard Students

This year’s Howard T. Fisher award for excellence in Geographic Information Science will include two categories: Poster and Video, with a $500 prize given to the award winner in each category.  In addition, the poster and video submissions will be featured at the annual CGA workshop “Geospatial Collaboration: New Common Ground”.  Deadline for submittals is Friday, April 29, 2011.  For all of the details: http://gis.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k235&pageid=icb.page190018&pageContentId=icb.pagecontent659971&view=view.do


CGA Poster and Video Contest: Call for Submissions
The CGA is inviting poster and video submissions for our annual spring conference.  This year’s conference is “Geospatial Collaboration: New Common Ground” and will be held on May 6 and 7, 2011.  All registered attendees are invited to participate in the poster and video contest.  For all details on the contest see the flier:
Call for Applications: GIS Summer Institute at the CGA

Twice per year, the Center for Geographic Analysis (CGA) offers a two-week program of intensive training in geographic information systems (GIS). The Summer 2011 Institute will meet the first two weeks of June. The program is designed for Harvard graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and faculty who want to learn spatial analysis and apply GIS methods in their research. No previous GIS training required.  The application deadline is March 14, 2011. View details and apply on our GIS Institute page:  http://gis.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k235&pageid=icb.page322426




CGA Visiting Scholar
The CGA is pleased to announce the arrival of Montserrat Pallares-Barbera, a visiting scholar at the CGA.  Montserrat has a Ph.D. in Geography from Boston University and is an Associate Professor at the Geography Department at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain.  Her main interests are urban, economic, and social geography.  More about Montserrat on our People page:
WorldMap: Supporting Academic Collaboration with Open Source

The CGA’s WorldMap framework is featured by GeoNode in this article: http://geonode.org/2011/02/worldmap/

CGA Geographic Storytelling Website

The CGA is inviting video submissions of your geographic story.  The accepted video will be featured on this website, and on the large screen displays at the CGA offices.  The idea is to provide a place that hosts and displays a wide variety of videos that tell interesting, informative, and educational geographic stories.  For more information and to see some of the video stories:  http://gis.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k235&pageid=icb.page391938





District Builder: An Open Source Web-based Redistricting Application

As part of their Public Mapping Project, Dr. Michael P. McDonald of George Mason University and Dr. Micah Altman, Senior Research Scientist at Harvard University Institute for Quantitative Social Science, have teamed up with Azavea to produce this application: http://www.directionsmag.com/pressreleases/azavea-george-mason-university-and-harvard-university-present-district-buil/154562


New Data in Harvard Geospatial Library

HGL has recently added the following data sets, available to all: Operational Navigation Charts, Tactical Pilotage Charts, and Army Map Service maps (series G504, P502, and Z501) of Africa.  Available to Harvard affiliates only: Spot Image scenes of the Dar es Salaam region, Tanzania, and historical marketing and demographic data (1995) by census tract and zip code for the U.S.  Available at:



Harvard Geospatial Library Releases New Interface Upgrades

A new update to the Harvard Geospatial Library was put into production on February 13th. This update includes support for Google Maps, Yahoo Maps and Open Street Map. Upgrades to the HGL GeoRSS feed were rolled into production as well and include support for more robust searching. Please see: http://hgl.harvard.edu




URISA 2011 Student Competition

The Urban and Regional Information Systems Association is accepting poster and paper submittals for a student contest, with a submittal deadline of June 6, 2011. For more information and to submit a poster or paper: http://www.urisa.org/student_paper_competition


VISualize 2011 Users Meeting

This is a joint meeting aimed at users of IDL and ENVI remote sensing software, covering topics such as remote sensing, GIS, data analysis and visualization, and more.  Abstract submittal deadline is March 11, 2011, and the conference will be held April 12-14 in Washington, D.C. For more information: http://www.cvent.com/events/visualize-2011/event-summary-59dd433118bf487f8fdfb8caa0c7776e.aspx





GITA Scholarship and Internship for GIS Students
The New England Chapter of the Geospatial Information & Technology Association is offering scholarship and internship (with stipend) opportunities for GIS students attending New England-area colleges, universities and technical institutes. The internship this year is for $2,000, and the deadline for applications is March 4, 2011.  For more info:
National Council for Geographic Education Grants

The NCGE’s Research Committee will award grants in 2011 for research on issues related to geography education.  Proposals may request up to $4,000 for projects lasting up to 24 months.  For all of the details, see our grants page:

ESRI Community Analyst

Introduction page:


Quick Start Video:

Geophotos: An Artistic Map and Photo Exhibit
Celmapper.net Cellular Coverage and Tower Maps
Map Your Facebook Friends
Open Cell Signal Map
National Broadband Map
TileMill Web Map Styling Platform



Editor of this issue: Jeff Blossom

The CGA Newsletter is published monthly.

For previously published issues, visit:


For the latest information, please visit our website http://gis.harvard.edu

To unsubscribe, send an email to majordomo@mail.hmdc.harvard.edu
with the following command in the BODY of your email message:
        unsubscribe newsletter_at_lists_cga_harvard_edu



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February 2012


February 2012





•    Harvard Geography Colloquium: Monday, March 5th

•    CGA’s Lex Berman Wins 2012 Dean’s Distinction Award

•    Weekly workspace: WorldMap Collaborative

•    Davis Center Prize for GIS Projects in Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies

•    2012 CGA Conference: Re-mapping Africa in GIS: From Humanities to Health

•    2012 Fisher Prize for Excellence in GIS

•    AAG 2012:  Working Digitally With Historical Maps,  presentations now available online

•    2012 GeoNode Summit hosted by CGA

•    Harvard Geospatial Library Open Geoportal Release

•    Symposium on Digital Humanities to Feature GIS

•    GIS Programmer position at the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University

.     Visualizing Demographic Change in New Way

•    ESRI on Open Source

•    Mapgeo Platform

•    More…




Harvard Geography Colloquium: Monday, March 5th

The next Harvard Geography Colloquium meeting will take place Monday, March 5, 2012, from 12:15 – 1:30 in Room K050 of the CGIS Knafel Building at 1737 Cambridge St.  Timothy Wallace from the University of Wisconsin, and Andrew Woodruff from Axis Maps will present “On Bostonography”.  Lunch will be served.  For more on the Colloquium and to see past events:



CGA’s Lex Berman Wins 2012 Dean’s Distinction Award

Congratulations to our own Lex Berman on receiving the Dean’s Distinction Award for service to FAS.


Weekly workspace: WorldMap Collaborative

The CGA is pleased to introduce the WorldMap Collaborative, a weekly work space for faculty, students and staff addressing individual research projects involving GIS and WorldMap more generally. Attendees can work on their individual projects in a collaborative setting with others addressing various aspects of WorldMap and GIS technology. Students and faculty from all Harvard schools are welcome. WorldMap Collaborative organizers are Suzanne Blier and Jeff Howry.



Davis Center Prize for GIS Projects in Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies

Beginning in spring 2012 to support innovative applications of technology in advancing regional studies, the Davis Center will award a prize for the best geographic information systems (GIS) project relevant to Russian, East European, and Central Asian studies.  The best submission by a Harvard student and the best submission by a Harvard faculty member will each receive an award of $500.  This prize is offered in conjunction with the Howard T. Fisher Prize for Excellence in Geographic Information Science to be held during the annual CGA Conference, which will take place at Harvard University March 29–30, 2012.  For details and to apply for the prize:



2012 CGA Conference: Re-mapping Africa in GIS: From Humanities to Health

This two-day conference, to be held on March 29-30, 2012, brings together scholars on GIS and Africa to share their knowledge and experiences; to explore the potential of geospatial methods in the social sciences, further humanities scholarship by critically engaging GIS methods, and promote interdisciplinary collaborative research in health and humanities in the continent of Africa.

Call for posters: http://hvrd.me/zuP3WQ

View details and register: http://bit.ly/giEEg5  


2012 Fisher Prize for Excellence in GIS

The competition for the Howard T. Fisher Prize for Excellence in GIS offers an opportunity to Harvard students, including both undergraduates and graduates in good standing, to submit their work in geographic information science and be considered for a Prize of $500 in each of the designated categories for that academic year. The prize is open to any student whose primary enrollment is in a school at Harvard University during either semester of that school year. The Prize submission, review, and selection process will be held in conjunction with the CGA’s Spring conference: “Re-Mapping Africa: From Humanities to Health”. More on the Fisher Prize:


A one page Fisher Prize Flier:


More on the CGA Spring Conference:


AAG 2012:  Working Digitally With Historical Maps,  presentations now available online

As part of the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting in New York City, a full day of five sessions on the topic of Digital Historical Maps and Digital Gazetteers was held at the New York Public Library.  Presentations (including one by Lex Berman of CGA), program schedule, and related resources now available here:

2012 GeoNode Summit
The Center for Geographic Analysis provided meeting space for this year’s GeoNode developer summit February 6-10. Participants included the organizers OpenGeo,  and groups including CGA involved in building on GeoNode to support various agendas.  These groups include: WorldBank GFDRR, SpatialDev / NASA SERVIR, ITHACA / World Food Program, MapStory, Spatial Marketplace, Eldarion, and the Boston Metropolitan Planning Council.

WorldMap Update

Satellite imagery has been added as an option in WorldMap WARP, so now one can georeference scanned maps to places where roads are not available.


CGA has also made progress on an initial change-over-time visualization capability for large mapping datasets that could eventually be integrated into WorldMap. If such a tool is of interest to you please let us know.  We are looking for groups who have the need as well as resources to contribute to make this a reality.





Harvard Geospatial Library Open Geoportal Release

The Harvard Library has released the latest version of the Harvard Geospatial Library (http://hgl.harvard.edu), which provides significant improvements over previous versions.  This release of the system implements OpenGeoportal (http://opengeoportal.org), a collaboratively-developed web portal that enables geospatial data search, discovery, display, and delivery.  OGP was founded at Tufts University and is the result of a multi-year collaboration with the Harvard Library and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Libraries to create a system of interoperable geospatial data repositories based on shared metadata and open source software.  Read the full announcement here: http://goo.gl/Fwlnp






Symposium on Digital Humanities to Feature GIS

Harvard-Ritsumeikan Symposium on Digital Humanities to be held March 3 in CGIS South S020 (Belfer Case Study Room) on March 3.


Registration deadline is Wednesday, February 29 rijs@fas.harvard.edu. Free and Open to the Public.


NEURISA Ignite Spatial Vermont Event

The New England Chapter of the Urban & Regional Information Systems Association (NEURISA) and Vermont Center for Geographic Information are coordinating another  NEURISA Ignite Spatial event in Vermont.  The event will be held on Tuesday, April 17 (7-9 PM) at the Capitol Plaza Hotel in Montpelier, VT.  This event will feature five minute talks with an open format.  University students and GIS professionals will be speaking.  To register for the event:







Visualizing Demographic Change in New Ways

This application developed by the Center for Urban Research employs several novel techniques to allow users to explore socio-demographic data on New York City.



Innovative Approach to Displaying Temporal Information

This application uses the Leaflet Javascript library for efficiently rendering change over time with large datasets.



Microsoft Patents ‘Unsafe Neighborhood’ Avoidance Feature


GIS Programmer position at the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University

The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University is developing a mobile application that will serve a range of relevant spatial and biological data for plants in the living collection, and act as a platform for citizen science observations.



Online Textbook on Geostatistical Analysis



ESRI on Open Source

ESRI talks about their approach toward open source software.




A web platform using html5, and cloud hosted tile based caching.  This example is for the Town of Nantucket:






Editors of this issue are Jeff Blossom and Ben Lewis

The CGA Newsletter is published monthly.

For previously published issues please visit: http://gis.harvard.edu/newsletter

For the latest information, please visit our website http://gis.harvard.edu

Unsubscribe information is at the bottom of this page:





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February 2010



February 2010





·         New Technologies and Interdisciplinary Research on Religion Workshop

·         GIS Institute Summer 2010 – Application deadline extended

·         Locate Point Toolbox

·         Enhanced Geographic Position Finder

·         ESRI International Users Conference Passes

·         Call for Papers: H. T. Fisher Prize in GIS at Harvard

·         Call for Papers: Cognitive and Linguistic Aspects of Geographic Space 2010

·         Call for Papers: Applied Historical GIS

·         URISA GIS-Pro 2010

·         COM.Geo 2010

·         World Travel Times Accessibility Map

·         OpenStreetMap Shapefiles

·         Thought Experiment State Map

·         A Chronicle of Conquest - Quauhquechollan

·         Remote Sensing with Google Earth

·         Geotechcenter.org

·         Slime Mould Simulates Network Mapping

·         The New Age of Cloud Computing and GIS

·         Vancouver Olympic Venues in 3D




New Technologies and Interdisciplinary Research on Religion Workshop
On March 12-13, an innovative conference on “New Technologies and Interdisciplinary Research on Religion,” will be held at Harvard.  This is an exciting event with both Harvard faculty and outside scholars presenting their work.  The focus of the conference is on how new technologies advance research on various topics on religion.  Scholars from a wide range of disciplines will be speaking.

More information and online registration:

Final program:
Call for poster contest (with a $100 prize for 1



Conference flyer:
GIS Institute Summer 2010 – Application deadline extended
The CGA’s GIS Institute – Summer 2010 will be held June 1 - 11. The program is designed for Harvard graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and faculty who want to learn spatial analysis and apply GIS methods in their research. No previous GIS training required. The application deadline has been extended to Thursday, March 4, 2010.  Learn more about the Institute and apply: 
Locate Point Toolbox
CGA has created this Toolbox for ArcGIS that allows users to create a point feature class or shapefile using a point location table containing direction and distance fields.  Download the toolbox and users guide from our ArcMap ArcToolboxes and Python scripts page:
Enhanced Geographic Position Finder
This tool returns copy and paste-able latitude, longitude coordinates for any place in the world by dragging and dropping a marker, or zooming to an address.  It has been updated to be more user friendly:
ESRI International Users Conference Passes
This conference will be held July 12-16, 2010 in San Diego, CA.  CGA has free registration passes available for Harvard faculty, students, staff, and affiliates.  Airfare and lodging are not covered.  For a registration pass, please contact us at: contact@help.cga.harvard.edu
More on the conference:





Call for Papers: H. T. Fisher Prize in GIS at Harvard
The Center for Geographic Analysis, IQSS calls all students at Harvard University to participate in the H.T. Fisher Prize in GIS. Two prizes will be awarded to students in good standing according to both the undergraduate category and the graduate category. Deadline to submit papers is Thursday, May 6, 2010 at 12pm (Noon). For further information and details please visit the Fisher Prize web page:
View the Q&A flyer:





Call for Papers: Cognitive and Linguistic Aspects of Geographic Space 2010
This is the 20th Annual Meeting for this Conference, to be held in Las Navas del Marques, Avila, Spain on July 5 - 9, 2010. Paper submissions are due on March 30, 2010.  For more information:
Call for Papers: Applied Historical GIS
The International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research is publishing a special issue on The Past Informing the Future: Applied Geospatial Solutions. Paper submission due date is July 1, 2010.  More details:
URISA GIS-Pro 2010
The Urban and Regional Information Systems Association is hosting this conference September 28 - October 1, 2010 in Orlando, Florida.  It explores a number of themes aimed at helping GIS professionals.  More details:
COM.Geo 2010
This is the 1


 International Conference on Computing for Geospatial Research and Application to be held June 21-23 in Washington, D.C.  Submission deadline for papers is February 28, 2010.  More details and to submit a paper:



World Travel Times Accessibility Map
OpenStreetMap Shapefiles
OpenStreetMap is a free editable map of the world, put together by anyone and everyone:  http://openstreetmap.org
The company Geofabrik converts and publishes OpenStreetMap data into shapefile format: http://www.geofabrik.de/data/shapefiles.html                                        
Thought Experiment State Map
How state boundaries might look if they were drawn to have more or less equal population:
A Chronicle of Conquest - Quauhquechollan
An educational, flashy web map based on a Mesoamerican cloth painting:
Remote Sensing with Google Earth
Google has contracted Clark Labs to develop an on-line prototype of their Land Change Modeler application to run on Google’s Earth Engine interface.  More:
An interactive web map listing two-year college geospatial technology programs:
Slime Mould Simulates Network Mapping
The New Age of Cloud Computing and GIS
Vancouver Olympic Venues in 3D
Digital Globe has put together 3D fly-over videos of different Olympic venues:



Editor of this issue: Jeff Blossom

The CGA Newsletter is published monthly.

For previously published issues, visit:


For the latest information, please visit our website http://gis.harvard.edu

To unsubscribe, send an email to majordomo@mail.hmdc.harvard.edu
with the following command in the BODY of your email message:
        unsubscribe newsletter_at_lists_cga_harvard_edu


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February 2009


February 2009




  • Harvard GIS Institute – Summer 2009
  • Spatial-Temporal Modeling Workshop
  • GPS Workshop
  • Open Source Tools, GIS UK Conference
  • 2008 ESRI UC Technical Workshop Sessions now available
  • HERO-CM Research Program
  • 2009 National Geographic Award in Mapping
  • International Conference on Geoinformatics
  • Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Conference
  • Google Earth 5.0 Released
  • Policy Map
  • Urban Planning: An Open Source Approach
  • GIS For Dummies
  • Satellite Imagery Art
  • Norman B. Leventhal Map Collection
  • Industry Outlook 2009: Survive and Thrive In a Changing World





Harvard GIS Institute – Summer 2009
This June the CGA will offer intensive training in geographic information systems. The program is designed for Harvard graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and faculty who want to learn spatial analysis and apply GIS methods in their research. 
The Harvard GIS Institute – Summer 2009 will take place on June 8-19, 9:30-5:00 every workday. Most activities will be held at the Science Center in Cambridge. Through the ten days, participants will be introduced to geographic information science and technology; spatial data development, management, and manipulation; spatial analysis concepts, tools, and procedures; hands-on use of ArcGIS and similar software; tours of GIS resources on campus, guest speakers from diverse disciplines introducing research with GIS in their fields; and one-on-one consultation and step-by-step guidance through the participants’ individual projects. The last day of the program will be devoted to project presentations.  For more information and to register:
Spatial-Temporal Modeling Workshop
On Friday, April 10th, 2009, we will host our annual full-day event: “Workshop on Spatial-Temporal Modeling – Its implications across disciplines.” It is sponsored jointly by the (CGA), and the Sigma Xi Harvard Chapter.  This workshop is aimed at providing a high-level overview of this field, from theoretical research to industrial solutions and multi-disciplinary applications; from 4-dimensional database construction, object manipulation, to simulation and visualization. The audience will come from many disciplines, some with and some without previous experience in spatial-temporal modeling. The keynote address will give a general overview of the field, and the subsequent presenters from Harvard and other local institutions will show-case a sampler of current work in various disciplines. The break-out sessions will give beginners a selection of hands-on learning opportunities while experienced researchers engage in an in-depth discussion of the subject. The workshop’s poster session will display a larger collection of relevant research activities at Harvard.
For more information and to register:
GPS Workshop
CGA is offering a hands on workshop that will introduce the concept and various uses of the Global Positioning System (GPS). Students will use mapping GPS devices in the field, and upload the mapped data into desktop and internet mapping applications. Intended (but not a requirement) for students / researchers who plan to use GPS for their field work.  Register online at:
Open Source Tools
We’ve updated our website to include links to open source GIS software tools:
2008 ESRI UC Technical Workshop Sessions now available
These educational workshop videos are available online for Harvard affiliates.  To view the topics and download scroll to the lower right of this page:



International Conference on Geoinformatics
This conference will be held August 12 – 14 in Fairfax, VA.  More info: http://www.geoinformatics2009.org
Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Conference
This conference will be held June 15 to 19 in the Netherlands: 

Open Source GIS-UK Conference
This conference will be held June 22 in Nottingham, UK: 




HERO-CM Undergraduate Research Program
The Human Environment Regional Observatory - Central Massachusetts (HERO-CM) research program provides opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to analyze the causes and consequences of global environmental changes at local scales in faculty-led research projects, sponsored by Clark University in Worcester, MA.  Students admitted to the program will be paid $4000 for 8 weeks, $300/wk for room/board, transportation costs to/from Worcester, and, if their research productivity is good, an expenses-paid trip to the March 2010 annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers (in D.C.) to present their research results.  Application deadline is March 1, 2009.  More info and to apply:  http://www.clarku.edu/hero 
2009 National Geographic Award in Mapping
Undergraduate students and master’s-degree candidates are invited to apply for the National Geographic Award in Mapping, sponsored by the American Association of Geographers. This award recognizes student achievement in the art, science, and technology of mapping and seeks to encourage student research. The first place award consists of a cash prize of $900 (U.S.) and the second place award is $300 (U.S.). Both winners will also receive National Geographic map products.  The deadline for submission is February 15, 2009.  More info and how to apply: http://isites.harvard.edu/fs/docs/icb.topic35229.files/NatGeog_02_09.pdf
Google Earth 5.0 Released
Historiacal imagery and ocean floor mapping are included in this release.  Download at: http://earth.google.com
Policy Map
A nice site for mapping and downloading census data:

Urban Planning: An Open Source Approach
An investor supports open source GIS (GeoServer) to improve city planning and create more livable cities.

GIS For Dummies
This book signifies that GIS is truly a household term now: http://www.amazon.com/GIS-Dummies-Computer-Tech/dp/0470236825
Satellite Imagery Art
Artwork designed to be visible on satellite photos:
Norman B. Leventhal Map Collection
An impressive map collection from the Boston Public Library, all viewable online:
Industry Outlook 2009: Survive and Thrive In a Changing World
A comprehensive summary of 2008 geospatial events, and ponderings on the future of the industry:


Editor of this issue: Jeff Blossom

The CGA Newsletter is published monthly.

For previously published issues, visit:


For the latest information, please visit our website http://gis.harvard.edu

To unsubscribe, send an email to majordomo@mail.hmdc.harvard.edu
with the following command in the BODY of your email message:
        unsubscribe newsletter_at_lists_cga_harvard_edu


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February 2007

February 2007 


  • Non-Credit GIS Training Series
  • Howard T. Fisher Prize in Geographic Information Science (GIS) 2007
  • Idrisi Andes Software Available for Evaluation
  • Libraries, Museums, and Instructional Technology Program (LiMIT)
  • Presentation: Using GIS to Study Infectious Diseases



Non-Credit GIS Training Series

CGA will offer a GIS training series at two locations starting from early March.
Session Topics include:

  1. Introduction: data types and basic mapping
      March 2,   12:00-2:00pm   at CGIS HMDC Lab (Rm. N018)
      March 16,   12:30-2:30pm   at HSPH Micro Lab (Rm. LL6)
  2. Georeferencing and Geocoding
      April 6,   12:00-2:00pm   at CGIS HMDC Lab (Rm. N018)
      April 20,   12:00-2:00pm   at HSPH Micro Lab (Rm. LL6)
  3. Databases and Spatial Queries
      May 4,   12:00-2:00pm   at CGIS HMDC Lab (Rm. N018)
      May 18,   12:00-2:00pm   at HSPH Micro Lab (Rm. LL6)
  4. Basic Spatial Analysis
      June 1,   12:00-2:00pm   at CGIS HMDC Lab (Rm. N018)
      June 15,   12:00-2:00pm   at HSPH Micro Lab (Rm. LL6)
  5. Advanced Spatial Analysis
      July 6,   12:00-2:00pm (tentative)   at CGIS HMDC Lab (Rm. N018)
      July 20,   12:00-2:00pm (tentative)   at HSPH Micro Lab (Rm. LL6)

To register for any of these non-credit GIS training sessions, submit the web form.

Howard T. Fisher Prize in Geographic Information Science (GIS) 2007

We are accepting submissions to the Howard T. Fisher Prize in Geographic Information Science (GIS) 2007 from both graduate and undergraduate students in good standing at Harvard University.

The Howard T. Fisher Prize for excellence in Geographic Information Science was established in 1999 by the Harvard University GIS User’s Group to acknowledge, promote and reward student work in the field of Geographic Information Science at Harvard University. Students can submit their work in one of these two categories: undergraduate and graduate students. See further details and rules regarding the H. T. Fisher Prize in GIS.

The deadline for submittal of the students work is Friday, May 18, 2007 at 5pm. (Announcement provided by Lucia Lovison)

Idrisi Andes Software Available for Evaluation

CGA recently acquired an evaluation license of Idrisi Andes for 90 days. This software is primarily for image processing.See details. CGA would like to collect user commends on Idrisi compared with ERDAS Imagine, the image processing software currently provided under a site license. Interested users may email contact@cga.harvard.edu to install a temporary evaluation copy of Idrisi.



Libraries, Museums, and Instructional Technology Program (LiMIT)

On the morning of March 28, the Provost’s Office will be holding a program for library, museum, and instructional technology staff. The purpose of the Libraries, Museums, and Instructional Technology Program (LiMIT) program is to encourage dialog between staff counterparts working in instructional technology units, the museums, and libraries. The demonstrations and break out sessions have been selected to:

  • Share information with emphasis on showing benefit and ways to support one another’s initiatives resulting in better teaching and learning for Harvard
  • Expose each other to the way the groups are organized
  • Build a foundation for collaboration between these groups in service to teaching
  • Educate participants about resources that can enhance what each group does

A final program agenda will be distributed in early March. This is an invitation Harvard-staff only event. If you would like to attend the program, please submit your contact information on the following form, http://poll.icommons.harvard.edu/poll/taker/pollTaker.jsp?poll=1-5654-46780. Please contact Mary Spidle, mary_spidle@harvard.edu, for more information about the event.

Presentation: Using GIS to Study Infectious Diseases

John Brownstein from the Children’s Hospital will be presenting at the March 21st ABCD-GIS meeting. The presentation is scheduled at the Landmark Center in the Longwood area, starting at 12:30pm. Landmark Center is at 401 Park Drive (Fenway T Stop which can be requested on the M2 shuttle). The Meeting will be on 4th floor west, in room 414.



International Digital Earth 3D Visualization Contest 
Sponsored by Google, NASA, ESRI, and other technology leaders, this international contest will seek to discover the best examples of visualizing the challenging issues involved in bridging science to public understanding, policy, and action.
Contest rules and entry form.   Entry deadline: April 1, 2007.   Inquiries: info@isde5.org.

Geospatial Industry 2007 Outlook 
Comments from industry leaders on major milestones, advancements required and future promise.

Why and How Is GIS Used in Education 
Teaching about GIS, Teaching with GIS, ESRI Education User Conference.

Here Comes Microsoft 
“Microsoft has recently made some dramatic strides in the geospatial area that move it ahead of Google in various respects, upping the ante in the competition.”

Google KML Search 
What Does it Mean for Geospatial Professionals?

Pictures of Strategic Sites to Blur! 
India, South Korea and Thailand raised objection to the ready availability of high resolution pictures of “sensitive” areas on Google Earth, citing possible misuse by terrorists and other anti-national elements as reason.

Some Google Earth/Map Features and Images Shared among Archaeologists

Editor of this issue: Wendy Guan
The CGA Newsletter is published monthly.
For the latest information, please visit our website http://www.gis.harvard.edu
For subscribe/unsubscribe, please email contact@cga.harvard.edu

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February 2008

February 2008 


  • PBS Documentary Features CGA Mapping
  • Open Geospatial Consortium President to Speak at GSD
  • Georeferencing Workshop Call for Posters
  • CGA Provides Consulting for TheRoot.com
  • GIS and Spatiotemporal Visualizations Presentation
  • GIS Teaching Alliance of Boston
  • Harvard Mapping and Geography Poster Session
  • HealthLandscape.org
  • International Conference on Cognitive Informatics
  • Census Atlas of the United States
  • New GPS Gadget for Geotagging Images
  • Build your own Geo-enabled Calendar
  • More…



PBS Documentary Features CGA Mapping 
African American Lives 2, a PBS Documentary hosted by Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. airs Wednesday February 13 at 9:00 – 11:00 p.m. EST on WGBH Channel 2. A portion of this program features Ben Lewis of the CGA, discussing mapping he created to represent Dr. Gates’ genetic history.

Georeferencing Workshop Call for Posters 
Share your georeferencing work with the GIS community at the Georeferencing Workshop Poster Session. Students, faculty, researchers and technology/industry leaders representing the spectrum of georeferencing and geographic analysis techniques will be at the event to trade ideas and expertise. All members of the Harvard Community are invited to join the forum by submitting a poster summarizing their completed or ongoing projects which involve georeferencing and/or spatial analysis techniques. For more details on the poster session:
For more information about the workshop including agenda, speaker panelist list and an online registration form please visit:

CGA Provides Consulting for TheRoot.com 
The CGA provided consulting for “The Root”, a joint project of Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Washington Post/Newsweek Interactive. The Root is a new online magazine modeled on Slate, which went live January 28th. CGA assisted with the design of the genealogy application, which includes a tree building tool and both tree and map views of genealogical information.

GIS Teaching Alliance of Boston 
The GIS Teaching Alliance (GISTA) of Boston is a collaborative effort by instructors in greater Boston area Colleges and Universities to improve GIS education. The alliance was launched with a meeting in October of 2007 at Boston University. The GISTA website lists of Boston Area GIS programs, instructors, course offerings, syllabi, case studies, seminar announcements, and many other resources.

New Tutorial 
The CGA recently posted a one page tutorial on how to convert tabular latitude, longitude values to shapefile format in ArcMap. Go to:
and click on “Convert a table with latitude…” under How Can I do this in ArcGIS?.



Open Geospatial Consortium President to Speak at GSD 
David Arctur, President and CTO of the Open Geospatial Consortium Interoperability Institute (OGCii) will be visiting Harvard’s Graduate School of Design to meet people who are interested in Geospatial Interoperability and Interoperability Science. OGCii’s mission is to propose and manage research studies, pilot initiatives, educational programs and infrastructure that help advance the development and adoption of open standards, interoperable solutions, policies and practices that improve society’s ability to use geospatial data and technologies to address important social, environmental and economic issues. The meeting will be held in Gund Hall Room 123 on Thursday, February 14 from 4:00-6:00 pm. Gund Hall is located at 48 Quincy St., Cambridge. More on the OGCii:

GIS and Spatiotemporal Visualizations Presentation 
As part of the Digital Humanities Series, Ed Ayers (University of Richmond) and Andrew Torget (University of Virginia) will be speaking on “GIS and Spatiotemporal Visualizations”. The presentation will be February 29, 2:00 – 4:00 pm in the Fong Auditorium of Boylston Hall on Harvard Yard.

Harvard Mapping and Geography Poster Session 
Anyone in the Harvard community that wants to showcase how they’ve used mapping, geography, or geographic analysis is welcome to submit a poster for inclusion during a poster session to be held April 17th. The audience for the poster session will be attendees of the American Association of Geographers conference. More details at:



International Conference on Cognitive Informatics 
The 7th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics will be held at Stanford University, August 14-16, 2008. The conference will feature papers on topics such as spatial statistics for change analysis, spatial and temporal data mining, and geospatial knowledge representation and discovery. The paper submission deadline is February 29, 2008.



HealthLandscape.org is an interactive web atlas that allows health professionals, policy makers, academic researchers and planners to combine, analyze and display information in ways that promote understanding and improvement of health and healthcare. By registering at the site, one is able to upload and geocode their own health-relevant data, display that information with key population, demographic, and economic indicators, and collaborate with others in their organization to create a myriad of informative visual displays.

Census Atlas of the United States 
The U.S. Census Bureau has recently published the Census Atlas of the United States, the first comprehensive atlas of population and housing produced by the Census Bureau since the 1920.

New GPS Gadget for Geotagging Images 
The ATP Photofinder is a compact GPS with a flash card reader that automatically tags a latitude, longitude to photographs taken with a digital camera.

SPOT Satellite Imagery Becoming Available to Academic Institutions 
A partnership between SPOT Image Corp. and AmericaViewSM will make SPOT satellite imagery available to academic institutions for education and research purposes at discounted rates. CGA contacted AmericaViewSM for details and was informed that imagery is not yet available on the web, and the agreement is only applicable to images for the USA.

Open Handset Alliance 
This group of technology and mobile companies have developed a free, open mobile device development platform which will allow for the unlocking of GPS finding functions on mobile phones.
The alliance website: http://www.openhandsetalliance.com/ 
And an article about it: http://www.xconomy.com/2007/11/06/floating-all-boats-local-companies-have-their-own-reasons-for-joining-googles-open-source-handset-alliance/

NASA working with Health Scientists 
NASA and Health Scientists work together using remote sensing to identify links between environmental conditions and cardiovascular events.

Build your own Geo-enabled Calendar 
A step by step tutorial on how to build a sophisticated geoenabled calendar with no coding, by using existing feeds and Yahoo Pipes.

Jing Picture and Video Capture Tool 
A new screen picture and video capture tool combined with web hosting service allows for instant sharing of maps, demonstrations – almost anything.

Editor of this issue: Jeff Blossom 
The CGA Newsletter is published monthly. View previously published issues. 
For the latest information, please visit our website http://gis.harvard.edu 
To unsubscribe, send an email to majordomo@mail.hmdc.harvard.edu 
with the following command in the BODY of your email message: 
      unsubscribe newsletter_at_lists_cga_harvard_edu 

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December 2012


December 2012



  • CGA supporting “Out of Eden: The Walk - One man, seven years, 22,000 miles”
  • Harvard Event: (Re)Mapping Health: Interdisciplinary Workshop on Innovative Methods for Representing Spatial Data
  • CGA Conference: Creating the Policy and Legal Framework for a Location–Enabled Society
  • CityEngine 2012 software is now available
  • BARI Urban Research Fellowship for Undergraduates @ Harvard – can’t find this item
  • Opportunity to Learn Remote Sensing and Acquire Software for Your Institution
  • The Harvard Humanitarian - December 2012 – can’t find this item
  • Recorded Webcast of Introduction to GISCorps Available
  • Videos of CGA’s training workshop are available online
  • CGA opportunities for learning next semester
  • ArcGIS Online Personal Accounts Changing
  • Conferences, jobs and  GIS in the news





The CGA will provide mapping support to the Knight Foundation funded “Out of Eden” project

In January 2013, journalist Paul Salopek will start a journey: “Out of Eden: The Walk - One man, seven years, 22,000 miles”. The CGA will provide custom thematic maps for the walk, depicting natural and social conditions and activities, as well as social media emanating near Paul Salopek as he walks. He will be walking out of Africa, following the pathways of the first human migration about 60,000 years ago. Toting a small laptop and a satellite phone in his rucksack, Salopek will report on the major issues of our day — poverty, conflict, climate change, local innovations — from the ground level, living among the people he will cover from Ethiopia to Patagonia. http://www.outofedenwalk.com


 (Re)Mapping Health: Interdisciplinary Workshop on Innovative Methods for Representing Spatial Data

This workshop, supported by the President’s January Innovation Fund, is designed to bring together students and faculty from across the University, including the Graduate School of Design, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Public Health, and the Center for Geographic Analysis. Students will be asked to engage critically with the practice of mapping, interpreting, and visualizing spatial data to explore the potential of design in the social sciences and medical fields. The intention is to develop a methodology for using mapping, data visualization, and other methods of design representation as analytic and speculative tools to inform effective humanitarian responses in the future. Course Dates and Time: January 7-11 and 14-18, 9 AM - 5 PM daily. Read more and register online.


GIS for Humanists workshop

The CGA’s GIS for Humanists workshop was conducted on Thursday, 12/6, with 11 participants from the Harvard community. View the agenda, with links to presentations and material covered during the day .


CityEngine 2012 software is now available

Esri CityEngine is a stand-alone software product that provides professional users in architecture, urban planning, entertainment, GIS and general 3D content production with a unique conceptual design and modeling solution for the efficient creation of 3D cities and buildings. Login to download the new software.


CGA’s monthly GIS presentations – come join the discussion next semester (free lunch)

  • Geography Colloquium @ CGA
    The CGA hosts the monthly “Harvard Geography Colloquium” in which we invite leading geospatial researchers to present cutting edge geographic research in a seminar format. Our goal is to provide the Harvard community with a forum to highlight the unique perspectives, findings, and directions of contemporary geography. The group typically meets on the first Wednesday of the month from 12 noon to 1:30 PM in room S050 of the CGIS South building.
  • GIS Presentation Series (ABCD-GIS)
    Harvard’s ABCD GIS Presentation Series highlights innovative applications of GIS to solve real-world problems. The ABCD-GIS Working Group focuses on how Geographical Information Systems are used in the Harvard community and promotes the sharing of information and expertise to help solve mutual problems. The group typically meets on the third  Wednesday of the month from 12 noon to 1:30 PM in room S050 of the CGIS South building.


Videos of CGA’s training workshop are available online

Each semester the CGA offers a series of instructor-led, non-credit, technical training workshops to introduce GIS concepts and teach the basics on how to use GIS software. GIS Basics with ArcGIS, Wrangling Data into Maps, Making Sense out of Spatial Data, GPS Training, Remote Sensing, Database Design for GPS/GIS Applications, Getting the Most out of Google Earth, Geoprocessing with ModelBuilder & Python, Quantum GIS, and ArcGIS Online and Esri Maps for MS Office. We may offer new workshops next semester so check back soon. Videos of most workshop are now online on our Non-Credit Training page.


Take a GIS course for credit next semester

GIS and spatial analysis is integral to many disciples. Learn how to apply it to your research:

Learn more on our Credit Courses @ Harvard page


Call for Visualizations: Fisher Prize in GIS

The CGA is inviting “geographic visualization” submissions for our annual spring conference. These submissions may be in poster, video, 3d model, interactive website, or another format that can be set up in exhibit space. Harvard students can participate in the Fisher Prize competition for excellence in GIS. The deadline is not until Friday, April 26 so this is a reminder to use this semester’s coursework for your submission. Learn more on our Fisher Prize pages.


ArcGIS Online Personal Accounts Changing (Harvard_CGA account will remain the same)

Esri is changing the name from ArcGIS Online Personal Account to ArcGIS Online Public Account. The ArcGIS Online Public Account will continue to be available at no cost and, as such, is licensed for personal, noncommercial use only. Under the updated Terms of Use, ArcGIS Online Public Account holders can:

  • no longer share items privately or create private groups
  • continue creating public groups and sharing items publicly, or keep all items private for their own viewing
  • keep private groups and private items if a personal account was created before November 30

(Note: they will not make any existing private groups and associated items public.)


CGA Spring Conference:

“Creating the Policy and Legal Framework for a Location–Enabled Society”

Thursday and Friday, May 2-3, 2013

CGIS Tsai Auditorium, 1730 Cambridge St. Cambridge MA

Location matters. Energy, sustainable agriculture, biodiversity, natural hazards, traffic and transportation, crime and political instability, water quality and availability, climate change, migration and urbanization – all key issues of the 21st century – have a location component. Critical geographic thinking, understanding and reasoning are essential skills for modern societies, and geospatial technologies for location based data collection, management, analysis and visualization have developed rapidly in recent decades. Today, these technologies are widely applied in routine operations in large corporations, entrepreneurial businesses, government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the social media of our daily lives. They save cost, improve efficiency, increase transparency, enhance communication, and help solve problems. Location-enabled devices are weaving “smart grids” and building “smart cities;” they allow people to discover a friend in a shopping mall, catch a bus at its next stop, check surrounding air quality while walking down a street, or avoid a rain storm on a tourist route – now or in the near future. And increasingly they allow those who provide services to track, whether we are walking past stores on the street or seeking help in a natural disaster.

Read more and register on our conference page. http://gis.harvard.edu/conference


Our conference is co-hosted by:

  • Berkman Center for Internet and Society

The Berkman Center’s mission is to explore and understand cyberspace; to study its development, dynamics, norms, and standards; and to assess the need or lack thereof for laws and sanctions. We are a research center, premised on the observation that what we seek to learn is not already recorded. Our method is to build out into cyberspace, record data as we go, self-study, and share. Our mode is entrepreneurial nonprofit. http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/

  • The Centre for Spatial Law and Policy

The Centre for Spatial Law and Policy helps educate the technology community on how spatial technology fits into the current legal and policy framework.. http://www.spatiallaw.com/




  • CFP: A special issue on geospatial analysis of volunteered geographic information with Computers, Environment and Urban Systems - deadline 12/30
  • CFP: International Association for China Planning (IACP) Conference - deadline 01/05
  • CFP: Geographic Human-Computer Interaction - deadline 01/11
  • CFP: “Revealing intricacies in spatial and spatio-temporal data with statistics” - multiple deadlines
  • CFP: EOGC’2013 and CIG Annual Conference - deadline 01/15
  • CFP: IGU 2013 Kyoto Regional Conference - deadline 01/15
  • CFP: IJGIS special issue on Space-time Research in GIScience - deadline 01/15
  • Event: New York City ArcUser Meeting - 01/18
  • CFP: 2013 Vespucci Institute - deadline 01/31
  • Call for Nominations: UCGIS Research Award - deadline 02/01
  • Call for Nominations: UCGIS Education Award - deadline 02/01

Browse many new job and student funding opportunities on our Employment  page.




Google Santa Tracker


NORAD Tracks Santa


The Top Ten GIS Stories of 2012


Recorded Webcast of Introduction to GISCorps Available


Maps and Mapmaking


Geography plus public health equals discovery


Mapping Tool for Sandy Relief Efforts Created Using Amazon Web Services


Outlook for European cities: higher temperatures and longer heat waves


Road Kill Data Tracks Animal Migration Patterns via Open Source App


Mobile App Finds Available Parking


GovTech Innovators: Jon Rosenberg, Chief of California’s Healthcare Infections Map


Research Explores How to Keep Up With Changing Web Mapping Technology


CityMaps Provides More Than Just Maps of Cities


National Geologic Map Database Gets a Face Lift


Vizzuality: Geospatial Entrepreneurism Grows In Spain


GeoEye Shareholders Approve Combination with DigitalGlobe


Can Innovative Maps and Apps Change Use of Public Transit and Museums?



Editor of this issue is Molly Groome

The CGA Newsletter is published monthly.

For previously published issues please visit: http://gis.harvard.edu/newsletter

For the latest information, please visit our website http://gis.harvard.edu

Unsubscribe here: https://lists.cga.harvard.edu/mailman/options/newsletter



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December 2011


December 2011




•    CGA Collaboration With United Nations University

•    WorldMap Update

•    Call for Applications: January GIS Camp @ CGA - Deadline 01/11/2012

•    Business Analyst & Community Analyst Online

•    ArcGIS Online Version 10.1 Beta Testing Access 1st International Geocoding Conference Report

•    Online Map Application Unlocks Arboretum Collections

•    Graduate School of Design J-Term Course: Better Maps and Geographic Representation

•    Call for Papers: Digital Cultural Mapping

•    GIS Internship in Child Health Position Open

•    Satellite Imagery of Earth Every Day

•    Tufts University Open Geoportal Now Live

•    Data Visualization of Kiva Loan Activity

•    School Attendance Boundary Data

•    Online QuantumGIS Tutorial

•    Cartography and GIS Scholarships

•    Virtual Charlotte: Boosting City Services with Google Maps

•    Geospatial Platform

•    CaGIS Awards of Distinction Nominations Being Accepted

•    Land and Ocean Floor Elevation WMS Layer Map from CubeWerx






CGA Collaboration With United Nations University

The United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS) and the Center for Geographic Analysis (CGA) at Harvard University have signed a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at cooperation and collaboration on advancing technologies for online spatial data sharing and web mapping services.  A key component of the collaboration is to incorporate WorldMap into the Wildlife Enforcement Monitoring System (WEMS).  WEMS, a database of wildlife crime developed by UNU, is now being used to support the Lusaka Agreement on Cooperative Enforcement operations directed at illegal trade in flora and fauna.
Read more about this collaboration here:

WorldMap Update

Layer Creation Tool: The WorldMap project (http://worldmap.harvard.edu) announces the release of a new layer creation tool.  Users can now create their own map layer (point, line or polygon) online, right in the browser.  User-created layers operate like any other layers and can be styled, edited, shared, (or not shared) and saved out in various formats.  The tool also supports editing of any layer in the system one has edit permissions for.  Now researchers in different locations can collaboratively build and edit a GIS layer.  It is also now possible to link multi-media such as video, photos, sound, and formatted text to any map feature. 


The WorldMap Version 1.0 release is coming in January.  Please stay tuned!


Call for Applications: January GIS Camp @ CGA - Deadline 01/11/2012

In January the CGA offers a four-day non-credit workshop during Optional Winter Activities Week (OWAW), titled “Spatial Thinking and Analysis with GIS“. It meets daily from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm. This workshop is designed for Harvard undergraduate students, though graduate students may also apply. It is for students from any concentration, as spatial thinking and analysis could be critical to the sciences, social sciences and humanities alike. No previous GIS training required. See the GIS Camp page: http://bit.ly/rMgpCt for details and application. Deadline extended to Wednesday, 01/11 at 11:59 pm.


Business Analyst & Community Analyst Online

These two software packages are now available online through interactive map applications, providing user friendly access to data on demographics and businesses in the USA.

An overview of Community Analyst Online: http://www.esri.com/ca

An overview of Business Analyst Online: http://www.esri.com/bao


The two online products are provided to Harvard users through the ESRI site license. To access these, first login to the CGA website at http://gis.harvard.edu

Then go to our Extensions and Tools page: http://bit.ly/tJ8jVk

Information, instructions, and links to access these packages are found on the right side of this page.


ArcGIS Online Version 10.1 Beta Testing Access

Harvard University Center for Geographic Analysis has a new Version 10.1 Beta testing access to ArcGIS Online page, where you can create an interactive map that can be viewed in a web browser, share it on a blog, via email, or embed it in a website. 
Access to this page is provided only for HUID holders. If you are interested in testing this new Beta 10.1 Version of ArcGIS Online page, first login with your HUID to the CGA website at http://gis.harvard.edu
Next go to our Extensions and Tools page at http://bit.ly/tJ8jVk
Instructions on how to access this page are found on the right side of this page. 


1st International Geocoding Conference Report

This conference was attended by the CGA’s Jeff Blossom.  Read his conference report here: http://hvrd.me/s2Q4ve





Online Map Application Unlocks Arboretum Collections

The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University is pleased to announce the release of Collection Researcher version 1.0, an innovative web application that provides unique access to the Arboretum’s living plant collections through its geographic information system (GIS). Available on the Arboretum website, Collection Researcher integrates a searchable inventory of the Arboretum’s nearly 15,000 documented trees, shrubs, and vines with high-definition, digital maps of its 265 acre landscape.  The application represents an enormous step forward in providing visiting researchers, the general public, and Arboretum staff with practical tools to explore the collections.  For more information on Collection Researcher, visit: 



Graduate School of Design J-Term Course: Better Maps and Geographic Representation

This seminar for Harvard Graduate School of Design students will cover the “grammar of graphics” from a cartographic perspective. Graphic design will be analyzed, and improving geographic representations by establishing connections between geographic phenomena, data, and visualization approaches will be emphasized. How to diagnose worldly phenomena and how these diagnoses enable proper visual representations will be explored.  The Seminar will be held on January 11th, 2012, taught by CGA Visiting Scholar Kirk Goldsberry.





Call for Papers: Digital Cultural Mapping

“Digital Cultural Mapping: Transformative Scholarship and Teaching in the Geospatial Humanities” will be held on June 18-July 3, 2012 at the University of California Los Angeles. This Institute will combine a survey of the “state of the art” in interoperable geospatial tools and publication models, with hands-on, studio-based training in integrating GIS data into Humanities scholarship, developing spatial visualizations, and deploying a suite of mapping tools in the service of creating publication-ready research articles and short monographs with robust digital components. Faculty, advanced graduate students, library staff and digital humanities researchers who are interested in geospatial research and publications are encouraged to apply. The application deadline is February 1, 2012.  View the website: http://hypercities.com/NEH/ for more details and to apply.





GIS Internship in Child Health Position Open

The Boston Public Health Commission is seeking a GIS intern to aid a neighborhood study that focuses on elements in Boston communities that impact child health. Student(s) will assist in compiling citywide data from government agencies and other sources, creating GIS data layers that will be used in a neighborhood scan, and conducting analyses of these data. To see this full job posting and to apply, visit our Employment page: http://bit.ly/nRWPFx
Satellite Imagery of Earth Every Day
Tufts University Open Geoportal Now Live
A Web application to rapidly discover, preview, and retrieve geospatial data from multiple repositories: http://geodata.tufts.edu/
Data Visualization of Kiva Loan Activity
School Attendance Boundary Data
Online QuantumGIS Tutorial
Cartography and GIS Scholarships



Virtual Charlotte: Boosting City Services with Google Maps



Geospatial Platform



CaGIS Awards of Distinction Nominations Being Accepted



Land and Ocean Floor Elevation WMS Layer Map from CubeWerx



Editor of this issue is Jeff Blossom

The CGA Newsletter is published monthly.

For previously published issues please visit: http://bit.ly/jm8FI8   

For the latest information, please visit our website http://gis.harvard.edu

To unsubscribe, send an email to majordomo@mail.hmdc.harvard.edu
with the following command in the BODY of your email message:
unsubscribe newsletter_at_lists_cga_harvard_edu


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December 2007

December 2007 


  • Milton Fund Supports AfricaMap
  • PBS Shoots Scene at CGA
  • Call for Posters – AAG Conference Harvard Tour and Reception
  • Satellite Imagery for Understanding China N0x Production
  • MassGIS Provides Access Via Open Services
  • Michael Goodchild Starts Spatial Center
  • GIS Models Ethnic Violence
  • Ancient Map: Spain to India
  • Practical Batch Geocoding Tool
  • GoogleMap Adds Vernacular Script for Major Countries
  • Google Launches Street View Nationally
  • Oxford Word of the Year: “Locavore”



Tutorial for Creating Spatial Metadata 
A tutorial has been published for using GoogleMaps to quickly obtain coordinate information in support of spatial metadata creation.

The Milton Fund Supports AfricaMap 
The Center for Geographic Analysis has received funding from Milton for the first phase of AfricaMap development. AfricaMap is a project to build a collaborative, web-map-based framework for sharing all types of information about the continent.

PBS Shoots Scene at CGA 
A scene for Henry Louis Gates Jr.’s upcoming four part PBS series, “African American Lives 2” was recently filmed at the Center. The series will air in early February.

Workshop on Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) 
The workshop, which was organized by Michael Goodchild of UC Santa Barbara, took place December 13-14. The event brought together individuals from around the world to discuss the burgeoning phenomena of amateur mapping, neogeography, volunteer GIS. Ben Lewis of CGA attended and gave a paper.



Call for Posters: AAG Conference Harvard Tour and Reception 
In conjunction with the Harvard Map Collection, the CGA is hosting a Geography Tour at Harvard for attendees of the American Association of Geographers conference in Boston April 15 - 19, 2008. Anyone in the Harvard community that wants to showcase how they’ve used mapping, geography, or geographic analysis is welcome to submit a poster for inclusion. More details at:

Satellite Imagery for Understanding China’s N0x Production 
A talk will be given by Dr. Wang YuXuan of the Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences in early 2008 on measuring N0X production using remote sensing.
And for more information: http://chinaproject.harvard.edu/

MassGIS Provides Access Via Open Services 
MassGIS is making many of their datasets available via web services. Now you don’t have to download them to use them. This is particularly useful when it comes to imagery.

Harvard Extension School “Operational GIS” 
Wendy Guan and Guoping Huang will teach a new course in Spring of ‘08 which uses real world cases to teach students practical GIS project design and implementation.



International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling 
The International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling (SDH) is the premier international research forum for Geographic Information Science. It commenced in 1984, in Zurich, Switzerland, organized by the International Geographical Union Commission. The conference is run biannually and is coming to Montpellier (South of France) in 2008. Abstract submission deadline is January 15, 2008.

Location Intelligence Conference 2008 
This commercially oriented, forward looking conference is organized by Directions Magazine. April 28-30, Santa Clara, CA.

O’Reilly Where 2.0 
This O’Reilly Conference has become very hot in the last couple years. Here they explain part of the reason: “GIS has been around for decades, but is no longer only the realm of specialists. The Web is now flush with geographic data, being harnessed in a usable and searchable format. The right tools to easily create geo content have finally emerged and the outcome is the ability to represent and search the physical world online…” May 12-18, Burlingame, CA.



Michael Goodchild Starts Spatial Center 
UC Santa Barbara Geography professor Michael Goodchild is starting a Spatial Center. From the website: “Spatial@ucsb is an innovative university-wide resource and research center at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Its mission is to facilitate the integration of spatial thinking into processes for learning and discovery in the natural, social, and behavioral sciences, to promote excellence in engineering and applied sciences, and to enhance creativity in the arts and humanities.” The brochure:
The powerpoint: http://www.spatial.ucsb.edu/docs/trustees.pdf

GIS Models Ethnic Violence 
Researchers from NECSI, Brandeis, and MIT develop a GIS model capable of predicting outbreaks of ethnic violence.

Ancient Map: Spain to India 
The Tabula Peutingeriana is, according to this article, the only map of the ancient world, and at seven meters long, depicts route and traveler information from Spain to India.

Book Review: “A Geospatial Industry Series” 
Adena Schultzberg of Directions Magazine reviews a book on the relationship between particular industries and GIS with an eye to what students need to learn to prepare themselves for the job world.

Practical Batch Geocoding Tool 
Here is a nice tool built on top of Yahoo’s geocoder API which allows users to copy/paste address or other location text? to the system and get it back with lat/longs.

Incredible Urban Visualization 
Take a look at the mapping work by Edushi.com, part of the Aladdin Information and Technology Corporation. The level of detail in the 2D+ renderings for large swaths of major Chinese cities is simply unbelievable.

ArcExplorer Adds Time Bar 
ESRI’s free data viewer, ArcExplorer has added a time bar feature. Geographic data coded with time information can now be displayed by dragging a time bar.

GPS Vest as Secret Cricket Weapon 
The Australian cricket coach claims that a new GPS vest which gathers locational and other information about players will provide an advantage as they prepare for the World Cup.

GoogleMap Adds Vernacular Script for Selected Countries 
Now for at least for Russia, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Japan Google provides place names in the native script.

Google Launches Street View Nationally 
For large portions of more than twenty major cities, Google now provides detailed, street level photography.

New Book on Maps from the Library of Congress Collection 
Vincent Virga sifted though millions of maps, and selected these maps to create Cartographia which, as one reviewer put it, attempts to map the human imagination.

New Brainland 
Creative cartographers represent the brain as an archipelago.

Oxford Word of the Year: Locavore 

Editor of this issue: Ben Lewis 
The CGA Newsletter is published monthly. View previously published issues. 
For the latest information, please visit our website http://gis.harvard.edu
To unsubscribe, send an email to majordomo@mail.hmdc.harvard.edu 
with the following command in the BODY of your email message: 
      unsubscribe newsletter_at_lists_cga_harvard_edu 

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December 2009



December 2009





·         Remote ∙Access to Business Analyst Allowed over Winter Break

·         CGA Non-Credit Workshop Dates Announced

·         IDRISI Taiga Service Update Available

·         ArcGIS Service Pack 9.3.1 Available

·         Call for Participation: New Technologies and Interdisciplinary Research on Religion

·         Call for Nominations:  UCGIS Research and Education Awards

·         Statistical Methods for Geographic Data Workshop

·         COM.Geo 2010

·         Seeing the Forest through the Cloud

·         Food Stamp Map

·         Instructional GIS Videos

·         Denmark Energy Map

·         Israel-Palestine Searchable Archaeology Map

·         Historic Earth iPhone App

·         Google Maps Birds-Eye View

·         Open Scales Mapping Framework

·         Ignite Spatial Boston Event

·         Twitter User Cluster Map

·         Make a U.S. County Thematic Map

·         GIS Helps us Understand Climate Change Article

·         Geospatial Data in the Google Cloud





Remote Access to Business Analyst Allowed over Winter Break
During the upcoming holiday break December 25 – January 3 the CGA offices will be closed.  Harvard affiliates will be allowed to remote access the ESRI Business Analyst Data for 2009 during that time.  If interested, please email us at contact@help.cga.harvard.edu prior to Friday, December 25.
CGA Non-Credit Workshop Dates Announced
Each semester CGA offers instructor-led non-credit technical training workshops to introduce GIS concepts and teach the basics on how to use GIS software. To view the workshop schedule for Winter and Spring 2010, and register for workshops:
IDRISI Taiga Service Update Available
Clark Labs has just released this service update for their IDRISI Taiga remote sensing software. For more information and to download:
ArcGIS Service Pack 9.3.1 Available
ESRI recommends downloading and installing this service pack for ArcGIS 9.3.  The CGA has used 9.3.1 on some machines with no complaints so far.  For more information, a list of issues addressed, and to download:
Call for Participation: New Technologies and Interdisciplinary Research on Religion
This two-day workshop will be held on March 12 – 13, 2010 in Harvard’s Tsai Auditorium, CGIS South, 1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge. The workshop is co-sponsored by the Political Economy of Religion Project, Taubman Center, Harvard Kennedy School and the Center for Geographic Analysis, Institute for 
Quantitative Analysis. For more details and to register visit our events page:
View the flyer:




Call for Nominations:  UCGIS Research and Education Awards

The 2010 UCGIS Research Award is given to the creator(s) of particularly outstanding research contributions to GIScience for recognition at the 2010 UCGIS Summer Assembly. Nominations are currently being accepted.  For more information and the nomination procedure: 



Statistical Methods for Geographic Data Workshop

The NICDS Workshop on Statistical Methods for Geographic and Spatial Data in the Management of Natural Resources will be held in Montréal, QC, Canada on March 3 – 5, 2010. Deadline for paper submissions is January 10, 2010.  For more details and to submit an abstract:



COM.Geo 2010

This first International Conference and Exhibition on Computing for Geospatial will be held June 8 – 11 in Washington, D.C.  Submission deadline for papers is February 19th, 2010.  More on the conference, and to submit a paper:





Seeing the Forest through the Cloud
At the International Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Google
demonstrated a new technology prototype that enables online, global-scale observation and measurement of changes in the earth’s forests:
Food Stamp Map
Food Stamp usage across the U.S.
Instructional GIS Videos
Short videos created by ESRI about GIS, SDE, and ArcGIS Server:
Denmark Energy Map
Israel-Palestine Searchable Archaeology Map
Historic Earth iPhone App
Google Maps Birds-Eye View
Open Scales Mapping Framework
Ignite Spatial Boston Event
This event recently held at the Microsoft New England Research and Development Center in Cambridge featured lightning talks on a variety of geospatial topics.  View the talks here:
Twitter User Cluster Map
Make a U.S. County Thematic Map
How to make a U.S. County map with free tools:
GIS Helps us Understand Climate Change Article
Geospatial Data in the Google Cloud


Editor of this issue: Jeff Blossom

The CGA Newsletter is published monthly.

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