ESRI Product Update - Business Analyst for Desktop - Data Bundle MPI Data Errors

ESRI Product Update for Business Analyst for Desktop using Esri U.S. Data Bundle with Market Potential Index (MPI) data. (13 Dec 2017)

ESRI is proactively reaching out to alert customers of a recently-discovered issue with the MPI data that may impact some of your workflows with Business Analyst.


What’s the issue?

There was a problem in Esri’s data production process that resulted in a data discrepancy with the GfK MRI adult-based survey data that’s included in the current release of the Business Analyst 2017 U.S. local data update.

Who does it affect?

This issue could affect you if you use the “Create Survey Profile” tool with the MRI adult-based survey data in Business Analyst Desktop’s Segmentation/Target Marketing module.

It could also affect you if you use the “Understanding Target Customers” REST endpoint with the MRIGroups parameter in Business Analyst Server.

The problem is isolated to these use cases and does not affect any of the other data that are included with the 2017 U.S. local data update.

What if I’m affected?

If you are using either of these tools with the current data release, we recommend that you discontinue using them as part of your workflow until the underlying data issue is resolved


Reference Links

·        “Create Survey Profile” tool in Business Analyst Desktop (online documentation):

·        “Understanding Target Customers” REST endpoint in Business Analyst Server (online documentation):

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