Infogroup US Historical Business Data

InfoGroup’s Historical Business Backfile consists of geo-coded records of US businesses and other organizations that contain basic information on each entity, such as: contact information, industry description, annual revenues, number of employees, year established, and other data. Each annual file consists of a “snapshot” of InfoGroup’s data as of the last day of each year, creating a time series of data 1997-2016.

Access is restricted to current Harvard University community members. Use of Infogroup US Historical Business Data is subject to the terms and conditions of a license agreement (effective March 16, 2016) between Harvard and Infogroup Inc. and subject to applicable laws. 

Each data file is available in either .csv or .sas format. All data files are compressed into an archive in .gz, or GZIP, format. Extraction software such as 7-Zip is required to unzip these archives.


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