Geospatial feature level search - The full life cycle from extraction to heat map creation

By Jude Ntabathia

Thursday, June 23 at Noon.  Room S050, CGIS South Building.

View a recording of the presentation.

Abstract: Geospatial search has come a long way. The ability to discover layers as well as metadata on a layers’ features provides a better model for geospatial content discovery. In this talk, I will highlight the process and the model used in extracting feature level data for search and geospatial content discovery. I will conclude by speaking on time based data extraction and the movement towards spatial-temporal search.

Bio:  Jude is a Senior Geospatial Developer with the Center for Geographic Analysis, and has worked as a software developer for the past five years. He is a graduate from the MIT Media Lab under the Centre for Civic Media research group in 2015. He is an avid lover of open source and is interested in studying online communities.

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