Hadoop - Data Processing by Minions

Presentation by Dave Strohschein, Center for Geographic Analysis, Harvard University.  CGIS South building, Room S050.

Traditionally, a program is executed on a single computer and accesses data stored on that computer or via a network connection. In addition, it seems that ever since the first computer was built, programmers wanted to get the results faster than currently possible from a single machine. Combine with this the dramatic increase in our ability to generate, collect, and store data; due in large part to social media and the burgeoning ‘Internet of Things’ (IOT). The resulting avalanche of data and the goal of quick information extraction have pressured the data processing and analysis community to respond. This situation helped drive the widespread use of Hadoop as a standard framework for large data analysis. This talk will introduce Hadoop and briefly discuss its history and operation. In addition, this presentation will look at how Hadoop is being used at the Center for Geographic Analysis for large data analysis, the issues we have encountered, and future directions for application of this framework.


AUDIO  (MP3) [60MB]

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