HSPH-GHP 534-01 - Introduction to Spatial Methods for Public Health

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Spring 2015: MWF 8:30 a.m. - 10:20 a.m.

This is an introductory level course in the conceptual and analytic tools used to understand how spatial distributions of exposure impact on processes and patterns of disease. It covers methods that allow: (i) examination of patterns of health and disease in place and time, (ii) application of geospatial technologies and methods for epidemiology, (iii) analysis of time-space relations, (iv) identification of clusters and diffusion of disease, and (v) study of geographical epidemiology of selected infectious and noninfectious diseases. Course Activities: Assigned readings must be read in advance of class. Students will help summarize and lead discussions on several papers; complete a term project. Course Note: Although there are no prerequisites for this course, students are highly encouraged to take one of the workshops on ArcGIS offered by the Center for Geographical Analysis (CGA) - http://www.gis.harvard.edu.

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