Utilizing GIS and spatial tools to generate new data products from raw GPS cycling tracks on Strava

By Brian Riordan  View slide presentation

Room S050, CGIS South Building, 1730 Cambridge St.

Join Brian Riordan as he outlines how GIS and spatial process are blended into Strava.  In particular he will explore Strava Metro, the aggregation of billions of GPS-tracked cycling routes throughout the world via the Strava app, and how it enables detailed analyses of how streets are used. Brian will explore the data format, technical challenges, and how groups around the globe are now using the data.

Brian Riordan has been involved in GIS and spatial projects for 13 years, including TomTom basemap generation, climate change detection, and broadband availability mapping. Most recently, Brian is a co-founder of the Geo Team pod of Strava based in Hanover, NH, which has developed Strava Routes and Strava Metro.

Lunch will be served.

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