Geography Colloquia - November 2012

Speaker: Paul Cote, Geographic Information Systems Specialist @ Harvard Graduate School of Design

Title: Information Ecology vs Entropy: Cybernetic Infrastructure for Place-Based Research (150 MB video)

Abstract: A substantial portion of the effort in place-based studies is expended in gathering and organizing information. It is rare for much, if any, of this work to be preserved in re-usable form at the conclusion of a project. The second law of thermodynamics holds that progressive systems tend toward disorder. Yet, successful ecosystems and cultures evolve self-organizing properties that help them to hold off the universal tendency toward entropy. This presentation will review the emerging technologies of cyberinfrastructure for science and the humanities with special focus on place-based studies. With this background we will discuss the application of principles ecological self-organization in the development of place-based intelligence.

Location:CGIS South building, room S050

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