Geography Colloquia - February 2012

Speaker: Jason Block, M.D.

Title: History of Food and Weight Gain in the Framingham Heart Study Offspring Cohort (View the flyer)

Abstract: Existing evidence linking BMI to neighborhood characteristics, especially proximity to food establishments, has been inconclusive. We examined this relationship in the Framingham Heart Study Offspring Cohort over nearly 40 years, by linking a longitudinal record of body weight to neighborhoods of residence and novel historical data on food establishments that accounted for both residential mobility and the appearance and disappearance of food establishments. In this talk, I will discuss the methodologies we used for this study, including the use of GIS and multilevel analysis, as well as the results. Contrary to much prior research, we did not find a consistent relationship between body weight and neighborhood characteristics.

Location: Room 153 of CGIS South Building at 1730 Cambridge St. in Cambridge.

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