Layer List Explanation for Boston Youth Tobacco Initiative Web Map

Photos - Photos the different groups took in the field, at the locations they were captured.
Group Areas - Approximate areas for each of the 6 groups (Codman Square, Franklin Field / Franklin Hill, Jamaica Plain, Healthy Roslindale Coalition, Roxbury Community Health, South Boston) as described by Chrasandra. Click on an area on the map for identification.
Boston Map Layers - Various GIS layers for Boston explained below.

Schools - Schools for Boston (excluding Allston/Brighton and East Boston) clipped from the ESRI 2008 Data and Maps dataset. Click on one to identify.
1,000 foot school buffers - Areas within 1,000 feet of each School.
Tobacco Retailers - Locations of retail establishments selling tobacco products. Extracted from ESRI Business Analyst 2006 dataset for Boston, excluding Allston/Brighton and East Boston.
Tobacco Retailer Labels - Store name labels for tobacco retailers
Asthma in Adults - A map displaying data from Figure 14.9 in the Boston Public Health Commission 2009 report (BPH report) Click the legend link to see the map color explanation.
Asthma Hospitalizations - Children - A map displaying data from Figure 14.13 from BPH report. Click the legend link to see the map color explanation.
Low Birthweight - A map displayin data from Figure 7.12 from BPH report. Click the legend link to see the map color explanation.

BPH Graphs and Charts - All figures from the Boston Public Health Commission 2009 report (BPH report)

Low birthweight by race - Figure 7.12 from BPH report
Low birthweight by neighborhood - Figure 7.16 from BPH report
High School Asthma by Race - Figure 14.4 from BPH report
Adult Asthma by Race - Figure 14.6 from BPH report
Adult Asthma by Race and Gender - Figure 14.8 from BPH report
Adult Asthma by Neighborhood - Figure 14.9 from BPH report
Lung Cancer by Race - Figure 15.9 from BPH report
Leading Causes of Mortality - Figure 16.6 from BPH report
Cancer Mortality Type - Figure 15.27 from BPH report
Cancer Mortality by Race - Figure 15.28 from BPH report
Cancer Mortality by Race and Type - Figure 15.29 from BPH report
Cancer Mortality by Race and Type (cont.) - Figure 15.29 from BPH report
Cancer Mortality by Gender - Figure 15.30 from BPH report
High School Smoking - Figure 16.14 from BPH report
High School Smoking by Race - Figure 16.15 from BPH report
Adult Smoking - Figure 16.16 from BPH report
Adult Smoking by Race - Figure 16.17 from BPH report

Group Spreadsheets - Tobacco retailer information collected in the field by the different groups.
Training Documents - A power point file with map symbols, and the classroom training document

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This map was created by the Center for Geographic Analysis at Harvard University.