Boston Youth Tobacco Initiative Web Map
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Group Areas
Codman Square
Franklin Field / Franklin Hill
Jamaica Plain
Healthy Roslindale Coalition
Roxbury Community Health
South Boston
Boston Map Layers
1,000 foot School Buffers
Tobacco Retailers
Tobacco Retailer Labels
Asthma in Adults
Asthma Hospitalizations - Children
Low Birthweight
BPH Graphs and Charts
Low birthweight by Race
Low birthweight by neighborhood
High School Asthma by Race
Adult Asthma by Race
Adult Asthma by Race and Gender
Adult Asthma by Neighborhood
Lung Cancer by Race
Leading Causes of Mortality
Cancer Mortality Type
Cancer Mortality by Race
Cancer Mortality by Race and Type
Cancer Mortality by Race and Type (cont.)
Cancer Mortality by Gender
High School Smoking
High School Smoking by Race
Adult Smoking
Adult Smoking by Race
Group Spreadsheets
Codman Square
Franklin Field / Franklin Hill
Jamaica Plain
Healthy Roslindale Coalition
Roxbury Community Health
South Boston
Training Documents
Power Point file with Map Symbols
Classroom training document