Introduction to Remote Sensing - Fall 2016

Learn the basics of remote sensing technology, image data properties, and software tools and procedures for satellite image processing. Hands on usage of IDRISI software for multi-band combinations, supervised and unsupervised classification on a Landsat satellite image.

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Open Source QGIS 2.0 - Fall 2016

An introduction to Quantum GIS for beginners, this workshop will cover the basic methods for opening various data formats, dealing with projections, joining tabular data to vector GIS layers, symbolization, and exporting data. No previous knowledge of GIS or statistics is required.

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Making Sense out of Spatial Data - Cambridge - Fall 2016

An introduction to spatial analysis for various kinds of problem solving in a GIS environment. Examples of both raster and vector data-based spatial operations like overlay, buffering, and interpolation will be covered.

The same workshop will be offered in Longwood campus. The Date/Time is to be scheduled. Please check it back later.

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Three-Dimensional GIS - Fall 2016

Instructor: Paul Cote

It is now common for municipalities to collect data about the heights and three-dimensional shape of buildings.  These data, along with terrain models and two-dimensional groundplan information makes it possible to use GIS to create useful three-dimensional models of large areas.  These models may be used to visualize design scenarios, as a contextual framework for sensor networks and many other applications.  Participants in this workshop will learn to render GIS data in 3D and to perform studies of visual connectivity.

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Advanced Geographical Information Systems Workshop

This course is a workshop for students who have taken the introductory Geographical Information Systems course and want to explore detailed applications. The course will meet two times a week for a lecture and a laboratory exercise.

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January 2016

CGA Newsletter January 2016 PDF Download


  • Newly Available Software from CGA: eCognition, ENVI, and IDL
  • Fisher Prize and EDC Award
  • Harvard Map Collection Exhibition and Data Additions
  • GIS Internship at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute
  • Wood’s Hole Internship Opportunity
  • NEGIS Scholarship and Internship Opportunity for GIS Students
  • Job Opening: Professor in Public Health & Social Change in Africa
  • Ontological Approaches to Sensor Data Analysis Conference
  • Post 2015 Nepal Earthquake Conference Proceedings
  • OGC Seeks Comments on Coordinate System Standards
  • Zooming in on History
  • Norway’s Geodesic Gift to Finland
  • The Future Patagonia Map
  • More…



Newly Available Software from CGA: eCognition, ENVI, and IDL

The CGA has recently purchased Trimble’s eCognition 9.1.3 land mapping software, and has received ENVI 5.3, and IDL 8.5 remote sensing software. Click the links above to download the software. For Harvard affiliates only.


Fisher Prize and EDC Award

Submissions are now being accepted for two Harvard student awards for GIS excellence. Click the links below for more information and to apply: Fisher Prize| ESRI Development Center Student of the Year

Google Maps Engine to be Deprecated

The Google Maps Engine (GME) service is deprecated and will be shut down on January 29, 2016. GME will be deactivated and no longer available for use; no extensions will be granted; and data stored on GME will be removed. Note: Google My Maps (formerly Maps Engine Lite) is not affected by this deprecation. Here is an article on how to export your GME data, or migrate it to My Maps. Contact for questions about this, and help transitioning from GME to My Maps.

CGA’s Monthly GIS Presentations-come join the discussion

  • ABCD-GIS Presentation Series
    “Floodplain Modeling, Mapping, and Beyond”, presented by Dr. Janghwoan Choi and John Sun, January 19th, 2016, 12:00pm-1:00pm.
  • GIS Colloquium
    “Documenting State Presence along Transnational Border Crossings” Presented by Dr. Beth Simmons, February 1st, 2016, 12:00pm-1:00pm



Harvard Map Collection Exhibition and Data Additions

The latest exhibition at the Harvard Map Collection is “Embellishing the Map: Empty Spaces and Treacherous Waters”. This collection of maps is an exploration of the imaginative imagery that early cartographers used to populate the unknown areas of the world, including dragons, sea monsters and flying turtles. It is on view in Pusey Library’s Map Gallery Hall through March 22, 2016.

Recent data purchases available in the Harvard Geospatial Library include topographic maps of Bahrain at 1:25,000 and 1:50,000 scale, and recent census data for India at the town (points) and subdistrict levels. Also available in print at the Map Collection is “A Historical Atlas of Tibet” by Karl E. Ryavec.



GIS Internship at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute

The Conservation GIS Lab at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Washington, D.C. is seeking interns, to start immediately. We focus on conservation applications of GIS and satellite remote sensing for research and management of endangered species. For more information and to apply.

Wood’s Hole Internship Opportunity

The Wood’s Hole Partnership Program is designed primarily for college juniors and seniors majoring in the natural sciences, and is a chance to spend a summer gaining practical experience in marine and environmental science, including GIS. The program runs June 6th through August 13th, in Wood’s Hole, Massachusetts. For more information and to apply.

NEGIS Scholarship and Internship Opportunity for GIS Students

The Northeast Geographic Information Society is offering a scholarship and internship opportunity for GIS students attending New England-area colleges, universities and technical institutes. Application deadline is January 31, 2016. For more information and to apply.

CaGIS Annual Map Design Competition

The Cartography and Geographic Information Society (CaGIS) has announced their Annual Map Design Competition. The competition is open to all mapmakers in the United States and Canada for maps completed or published during the past calendar year (2015). Students are particularly encouraged to apply for the award sponsored by Avenza. For more information and to submit your map.

Job Opening: Professor in Public Health & Social Change in Africa

The University of Florida is seeking applications for a Professor in Public Health & Social Change in Africa. Candidates with Geography and GIS backgrounds are encouraged to apply. See the full job announcement.

Ontological Approaches to Sensor Data Analysis Conference

This conference will be held May 19 - 20 in Buffalo, NY For more information.

Post 2015 Nepal Earthquake Conference Procedeeings

Proceedings from this November 2015 workshop in Kathmandu are now online.





OGC Seeks Comments on Coordinate System Standards

Zooming in on History

Norway’s Geodesic Gift to Finland

The Future Patagonia Map

Free Class from Esri: Give Yourself the Location Advantage

Urban Scratchoff

European World Translator Map

Museum Without Walls



The CGA Newsletter is published monthly. Editor of this issue is Jeff Blossom.

CGA Home Page | Contact us | Follow us on Twitter


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Pituri Exchange Routes Map

A map depicting pituri exchange routes in northern Australia was made for a book.

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Documenting State Presence along Transnational Border Crossings

Presentation by Dr. Beth Simmons

Noon to 1:00, Room S050, CGIS South

View presentation slides.

Abstract: Are borders as permeable as studies of globalization suggest?  We can learn a great deal about state motivations and identities by watching the physical investments they make at their international borders. Using global satellite imagery, our team is creating the first ever dataset documenting “state presence” along major highways that connect neighboring states. We are finding that state presence along borders vary significantly over space and time. Efforts of the state physically to regulate exit and entry within its territory expresses economic and security concerns, cultural anxieties,  and political ideologies.   Our database can also be used for the study of licit and illicit transnational flows, law enforcement, and border conflict. 

Bio:  Beth Simmons is Clarence Dillon Professor in International Affairs at Harvard University.  She studies international political economy, international human rights, and international security.

Lunch will be served.

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Floodplain Modeling, Mapping, and Beyond

Presentation by Dr. Janghwoan Choi and John Sun

Room S050, CGIS South building


Floodplain modeling and mapping (FPMM) is critical for reducing risks associated with flood, the world’s number one natural disaster. The presenters will introduce some key aspects of the FPMM process including hydrologic modeling, hydraulic modeling, and key enabling technologies. Presenters will discuss Stream Method’s MACRO™ Platform and its rationale, technology, and algorithms such as the architecture, large-scale terrain data processing, hydraulic model integration, rapid river network tracing, flow estimation at ungauged sites, and automated cross-section placement. Then the presenters will go beyond FPMM by introducing large-scale and near-real-time River Flood Inundation Forecasting, which represents a different paradigm from the traditional FPMM.


Janghwoan Choi, Ph.D., PE, CFM, is the co-founder, VP, and Chief Engineer of Stream Methods. He has devoted over 10 years to floodplain studies, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, engineering algorithms, and advanced geo-analysis. He received Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Texas A&M University.

John Sun is the co-founder, President, and CEO of Stream Methods. He has 10 years’ experience in floodplain mapping and risk products generation. In most recent years, John managed the automation of a large-scale production of FEMA’s Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps.  John received his Master’s Degree in Geological Sciences from Virginia Tech. 

Dr. Choi and John Sun are the co-architects of MACRO™, an innovative platform for modeling and mapping water resources in U.S. and globally.

Lunch will be served

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People and Geography Quiz

The purpose of this web mapping application is to understand how well people can define locations of different groups in geographic space, and how this relates to their attitudes about towards these groups. Using two simple datasets such as US block groups and US zip code, an US basemap by Esri, and a classic web survey approach, the application asks users to indicate in which neighborhood do most people from a certain group lives. A side-by-side mapping approach is used to retrieve feedback once the survey is completed.

People and Geography Quiz

