Spatial Optimization for Sustainable Land Use Planning

By Kai Cao, Lecturer in Department of Geography at National University of Singapore.

Location: CGIS Knafel Building, Room K050.

Lunch will be served at 12:00pm. The main presentation will be started at 12:30pm. 

Abstract: Sustainability often represents a primary goal for land use planning. Comprehensive sustainability in land use planning can be defined as a long-term balance between economic development, environmental protection, efficient resource use, and social equity. To pursue this balance spatially and intelligently, a series of loose coupling models and technologies from the perspectives of spatial optimization and GIS have been developed and employed to create the optimal/near-optimal land use planning scenarios to support the sustainable land use planning.


Dr. Kai Cao holds a Ph.D. degree in Geography from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong and obtained his B.S. and M.Phil. degrees in Geography from Nanjing University in China. Prior to joining Department of Geography at NUS, he had also worked in Center for Geographic Analysis at Harvard University, Department of Geography at University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, and World History Center at University of Pittsburgh respectively. His current research interests center on GIScience and its applications to Geography, Social Science and Humanities.

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