GIS Colloquium - The Open spaces in Nanjing, 1900s-2000s

Speaker: Zhen Xu, Visiting Scholar at CGA, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture at Nanjing Forestry University. He is a China National Certified Planner, holding Master of urban planning and design (2004,Tongji University, China) and PhD of landscape architecture (2014, Southeast University, China). He is currently in charge of “Morphological Research of Urban Open Space with Historical GIS Approach”, sponsored by NSF of China.

Location: CGIS Knafel K450, 1737 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA

Abstract: This presentation summarizes the main and noticeable changes of open spaces (urban parks, plaza and squares, waters) in Nanjing from 1900s to 2000s with mapping approach, and the social background. The potential consequences related to open space and urban densification such as accessibility, potential ecological influence, and perceptions will also be discussed. 

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