Geography Colloquia - October 2013

Speaker: Sara Fabrikant, Professor of Geographic Information Visualization & Analysis in the Department of Geography at the University of Zurich.

Title: Affective and effective geographic information visualization

Location: CGIS South S050

Abstract: For thousands of years cartographers have systematically transformed spatial data into two-, three- or four-dimensional visuo-spatial displays. This process is typically performed by applying scientific (i.e., systematic, transparent, and reproducible) cartographic design methods, as well as aesthetic expressivity. Cartographers have not only been driven by “what looks good”, and “what feels right”, but increasingly they become interested in how and why a particular design solution works well or not. I will highlight how knowledge from cognitive science and vision research, including physio-psychological science can help (geographic) information visualization experts systematically assess their design solutions, which are increasingly interactive and mobile. We have employed evaluation methods including eye tracking and ambulatory psychophysiological monitoring for this purpose. Cognitive/vision theories help us make sense of the collected empirical data, guiding the process of designing maps for salience and positive engagement, thus creating useful visual analytics tools. I will also discuss how cartographic methods themselves can help researchers make sense of data collected in user studies. This includes tools and methods such as sequence analysis and visual analytics.


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