July 2012


July 2012




•    New Gen Ed Course “Mapping Our World”

•    Notes from Google I/O

•    Esri City Engine Available

•    HealthGIS Conference

•    Call for Papers on Volunteered Geographic Information

•    Call for Papers on Spatio-Temporal Big Data

•    True 3D Maps on Android Mobile

•    Micro-funder Visualization

•    Race / Ethnicity Trends Map, New York

•    Deforestation Visualization, Brazil

•    Javascript library for visualizing 3D maps






New Gen Ed course using GIS: “Mapping Our World”

Empirical and Mathematical Reasoning 21: “Mapping Our World” will be taught this Fall 2012-2013 by Professor Peter K. Bol (East Asian Languages and Civilizations) and Kirk P. Goldsberry (Center for Geographic Analysis; Michigan State University). This course introduces contemporary map design, geographic information systems (GIS) and spatial analysis; our emphasis will be on the concepts and techniques that empower new spatial insights into our world. View details on the EMR listing page. View the syllabus and reading list on the EMR 21 course page (login required).


Notes on Google I/O Conference, 2012

CGA’s Ben Lewis and Matt Bertrand were invited to present WorldMap at the annual Google I/O Conference Sandbox sessions in San Francisco.  The yearly conference is for software and hardware developers working with various Google platforms from Maps API to the Android and Chrome operating systems. See conference notes here.


City Engine Now Available

Esri’s CityEngine for ArcGIS now available to Harvard affiliates. CityEngine 2011 allows for generation of high quality 3D content within ArcGIS, and can be used by urban designers, planners, and modelers. The CGA has purchased licenses of this product for use by Harvard affiliates. Download the software from our Esri Software download page.


New and Upgraded Software Available from CGA

Find these on our Remote Sensing Software page:

  • ENVI and IDL (new)
  • ERDAS Imagine 2011 (upgrade)
  • ERDAS LPS (new)
  • Idrisi Selva (upgrade)

Find these on our Esri Software page:

  • ArcGIS 10.1 (upgrade)
  • Esri City Engine (new)

Other current site licenses under our GIS software tab:

  • FME 2012 (upgrade)
  • Google Map API Premier (new)
  • Google Earth Pro


New GPS Units Available from the CGA

The CGA now has 10 QStarz GPS data loggers for use by any Harvard affiliate. These small devices record locations at specified intervals and are intended for use by those wanting to map travel patterns and movement. Please email contact [at] help.cga.harvard.edu if interested.







ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on the Use of GIS in Public Health (HealthGIS)

This workshop will provide a forum in which researchers and practitioners can share new ideas and techniques for health-related GIS applications. HealthGIS will be held on November 6, 2012 in Redondo Beach, California. The deadline for abstract submission: July 30, 2012.


Northeast Arc Users Group Conference (NEARC)

The 2012 NEARC Conference will be held November 11th to 14th, at the Samoset Resort in Rockland, Maine. It will feature keynote sessions, vendor demonstrations, poster displays and over 60 technical workshops and user presentations. The Call for Presentations deadline has been extended to July 30, 2012. Submit abstract online.


Esri International User Conference Plenary Session Video

Available online at: http://www.esri.com/events/user-conference/index.html


Call for Submissions: International Journal of Geographic Information Science (IJGIS)

This is a special Issue on the scholarship of Professor David M. Mark. His far-reaching contribution to GISystems and GIScience include diverse research areas such as digital cartography, human-computer interaction, digital elevation modeling, and terrain analysis. Upon his retirement in June 2013, this special issue celebrates his outstanding work. Detailed information here: (http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/authors/tgisauth.asp).


Call for Applications: Travel Funding to the ICC

The US National Committee (USNC) to the International Cartographic Association (ICA) invites American scholars and international scholars at American institutions to submit applications for consideration for travel funding support to attend and participate in the 26th International Cartographic Conference (ICC) in Dresden, Germany, August 25-30, 2013. The deadline for applications for these awards is September 30, 2012. View flyer for details.


Special Issue on “Geoscience Data Provenance” in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

The technology covered by this special issue will include the latest developments of provenance awareness in all aspects of remote sensing data archiving, information management, search and access, as well as specialized services for data users, such as on-demand processing and visualization. Deadline for submission of manuscripts: 30 September 2012. View full CFP for details.


A Special Issue on Geospatial Analysis of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) with Computers, Environment and Urban Systems

In the context of this call, we define VGI broadly as any georeferenced information that is freely distributable without copyright constraints for sharing among those interested. The increasing availability of VGI of various kinds such as OpenStreetMap, and digital traces of GPS, cell phones, Flickr photos, and tweets has dramatically transformed traditional geography to data-driven computational geography. We call for original papers that focus on geospatial analysis of VGI for a better understanding of geographic forms and processes, or of urban structure and dynamics in particular, as well as of human activities individually or collectively with various platforms of social media. We are particularly interested in papers that use VGI at a large scale to uncover hidden and surprising patterns. View details online. Paper submission due: 30 December 2012.


IJGIS special issue on Space-time Research in GIScience

While many disciplines face the so-called Big Data Challenge, GIScience rises to the frontier in the geospatial revolution as enormous amount of location-aware data cutting across environmental, economic, social, behavioral, and public health dimensions become ubiquitous. We invite submissions of original GIScience research with novel space-time approaches to address these new challenges. A space-time research panel has been organized in the GIScience 2012 international conference to stimulate discussions on pertinent topics in this research area. The special issue will be open to all ideas and topics, not limited to the panel discussion. See detailed information of instructions for authors







Google Maps Engine

Google is now allowing users (for a price) to upload their own GIS datasets to Maps Engine and access them via the Maps API.



Google Maps in True 3D for Mobile

This capability uses WebGL, which takes advantage of client-side mobile graphics processors (GPUs).




Micro Funder Visualization

How to visualize 620,000 lenders funding 615,000 entrepreneurs, students, and other microfinance borrowers around the world?



Landsat on Google Earth Engine



Race / Ethnicity Trends Map of New York Area 
Deforestation in Brazil 1975 – 2012
Landmatrix Provides Maps and Data about Public Land Deals Worldwide


Live Map of Registered Ships at Sea


JavaScript Library for Visualizing 3D OSM Building Data on Interactive Maps http://flyjs.com/buildings/

Autonomous Aerial Robot Maps Indoor Environments


Editor of this issue is Ben Lewis

The CGA Newsletter is published monthly.

For previously published issues please visit: http://bit.ly/jm8FI8  

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