January 2010



January 2010





·         Haiti Earthquake Assistance

·         Call for Posters: New Technologies and Interdisciplinary Research on Religion Workshop

·         Call for Participation: H. T. Fisher Prize in GIS at Harvard

·         Call for Maps: Bizarre Map Challenge

·         GITA New England Scholarship Opportunity

·         Call for Papers: GeoWeb 2010 Conference

·         Call for Abstracts for “Representing Reality: Imagery in the Cognitive, Social and Natural Sciences”

·         Batchgeocode.com 2010 updates

·         2010 MA Senate Election Map

·         Map of EPA Enforcement Actions

·         Is Mashup the True Spirit of GIS and Geography?

·         Helium Balloon Imagery

·         Planet Action – Spot Satellite Images

·         Map of EPA Enforcement Actions

·         2010 ESRI Mashup Challenge





Haiti Earthquake Assistance
The CGA created the Haiti Earthquake Data Portal and printed large scale satellite maps for a team of Boston University scholars that met with the Haitian President.  The portal, pictures, and news articles:
Call for Posters: New Technologies and Interdisciplinary Research on Religion Workshop
Share your research on religious studies or GIS analytical work with the Harvard GIS community at the Research on Religion Poster Session. Students, faculty, researchers and technology/industry leaders representing the spectrum of religious studies and geographic analysis techniques will be at the event to trade ideas and expertise. All members of the Harvard Community are invited to join the forum by submitting a poster summarizing their completed or ongoing projects which involve religion and/or spatial analysis techniques.  More details on the flier:
More workshop details and to register:
ArcGIS Products Available
The CGA now has the media for ArcGIS Server Geoportal Extension 9.3.1 and the   ESRI StreetMap Premium North America for ArcLogistics 2009 Release 2 for use by Harvard affiliates.
If interested in using either software please contacts us at:
ERDAS Software Available
This is now online for download by Harvard affiliates (after logging in):
Call for Participation: H. T. Fisher Prize in GIS at Harvard
The Center for Geographic Analysis, IQSS calls all students at Harvard University in good standing to participate in the H.T. Fisher Prize in GIS. Two prizes will be awarded to students in good standing according to both the undergraduate category and the graduate category. For further information and details please visit the Fisher Prize web page.

A “Q&A” session, with all information including the required pre-registration, will be held on Friday, February 12, 2010 between 12-1:30pm at CGIS Building, Room K031, 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, 02138 by Lucia Lovison-Golob for all prospective students.





Call for Maps: Bizarre Map Challenge
This UNDERGRADUATE-only map design competition is hosted by the National GeoTech Center (http://www.geotechcenter.org/ - funded by National Science Foundation) and San Diego State University. The goal of this event is to promote spatial thinking and geospatial technology awareness in high schools, community colleges, and universities in the United States and to inspire curiosity about geographic patterns and map representation for students and the broader public. Cash prizes are awarded to the top 10, starting with a $5000 1


 place award. Accepting map entries from the BMC website (URL to be announced on March 1st, 2010) during March 1 - 22, 2010.  See the flier:
GITA New England Scholarship Opportunity
Each year the New England Chapter of the Geospatial Information and Technology Association awards scholarships and internship opportunities to students who have made a commitment to study disciplines related to geospatial technology and to obtain practical experience in this field. The internships and scholarship are for $2,000 each.  Application deadline is February 15, 2010.  More details: http://gita.org/chapters/new_england/nengland.asp#scholarships
Call for Papers: GeoWeb 2010 Conference
Call for presentations and workshops deadline is March 12


 for this event to be held July 26-30 in Vancouver, B.C.
Call for Abstracts for “Representing Reality: Imagery in the Cognitive, Social and Natural Sciences”
The conference, hosted by the GIScience IGERT at the University at Buffalo, will be held on May 12-15, 2010. It aims to attract Ph.D. students and faculty who incorporate innovative image resources into their research or address the conceptualization of reality as a digital format. There is funding available for IGERT students wishing to attend the conference. Deadline for abstracts is January 31, 2010.





Batchgeocode.com 2010 updates
This very useful, free geocoding service has been enhanced to report back geocoding result accuracy levels, and allows the use of the Google or Yahoo! Geocoding API. Read more on this topic on the CGA blog:
Geocommons Finder! Online Mapping Tool
Upload, organize, map, and share your geographic data:
Diabetes and Obesity Rates Map
2010 MA Senate Election Map
Is Mashup the True Spirit of GIS and Geography?
Helium Balloon Imagery
Geography and Religion Maps and blog
Planet Action – Spot Satellite Images
If your project is environmentally oriented and can use some free satellite imagery, apply here:
Map of EPA Enforcement Actions
2010 ESRI Mashup Challenge
UUorld Visualization Software
ArcGIS Version 10
ESRI has decided to change their next ArcGIS release from 9.4 to 10 due to significant improvements to the software:
A podcast from ESRI President Jack Dangermond:
Spatial Statistics Workshops
This is a virtual course, offered via interactive teleconferencing, over five consecutive Tuesday afternoons from 4-5:30.  More info:
Navteq 3D Models
Navteq is creating 3D models and maps of the U.S.  Read the article:

See the map gallery here:
ArcGIS Online Maps Migrated to Google / Bing Maps Tiling Scheme
This change means more detailed maps rendered faster for ArcGIS Online Services.  They’ve also added more maps:
More information:


Editor of this issue: Jeff Blossom

The CGA Newsletter is published monthly.

For previously published issues, visit:


For the latest information, please visit our website http://gis.harvard.edu

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