February 2011


February 2011




•    H.T. Fisher Prize for Harvard Students

•    CGA Poster and Video Contest: Call for Submissions

•    Call for Applications: GIS Summer Institute at the CGA

•    CGA Visiting Scholar

•    WorldMap: Supporting Academic Collaboration with Open Source

•    CGA Geographic Storytelling Website

•    District Builder: An Open Source Web-based Redistricting Application

•    New Data in Harvard Geospatial Library

•    Harvard Geospatial Library Releases New Interface Upgrades

•    URISA 2011 Student Competition

•    VISualize 2011 Users Meeting

•    GITA Scholarship and Internship for GIS Students

•    National Council for Geographic Education Grants

•    ESRI Community Analyst

•    Geophotos: An Artistic Map and Photo Exhibit

•    Celmapper.net Cellular Coverage and Tower Maps

•    Map Your Facebook Friends

•    More…




H.T. Fisher Prize for Harvard Students

This year’s Howard T. Fisher award for excellence in Geographic Information Science will include two categories: Poster and Video, with a $500 prize given to the award winner in each category.  In addition, the poster and video submissions will be featured at the annual CGA workshop “Geospatial Collaboration: New Common Ground”.  Deadline for submittals is Friday, April 29, 2011.  For all of the details: http://gis.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k235&pageid=icb.page190018&pageContentId=icb.pagecontent659971&view=view.do


CGA Poster and Video Contest: Call for Submissions
The CGA is inviting poster and video submissions for our annual spring conference.  This year’s conference is “Geospatial Collaboration: New Common Ground” and will be held on May 6 and 7, 2011.  All registered attendees are invited to participate in the poster and video contest.  For all details on the contest see the flier:
Call for Applications: GIS Summer Institute at the CGA

Twice per year, the Center for Geographic Analysis (CGA) offers a two-week program of intensive training in geographic information systems (GIS). The Summer 2011 Institute will meet the first two weeks of June. The program is designed for Harvard graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and faculty who want to learn spatial analysis and apply GIS methods in their research. No previous GIS training required.  The application deadline is March 14, 2011. View details and apply on our GIS Institute page:  http://gis.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k235&pageid=icb.page322426




CGA Visiting Scholar
The CGA is pleased to announce the arrival of Montserrat Pallares-Barbera, a visiting scholar at the CGA.  Montserrat has a Ph.D. in Geography from Boston University and is an Associate Professor at the Geography Department at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain.  Her main interests are urban, economic, and social geography.  More about Montserrat on our People page:
WorldMap: Supporting Academic Collaboration with Open Source

The CGA’s WorldMap framework is featured by GeoNode in this article: http://geonode.org/2011/02/worldmap/

CGA Geographic Storytelling Website

The CGA is inviting video submissions of your geographic story.  The accepted video will be featured on this website, and on the large screen displays at the CGA offices.  The idea is to provide a place that hosts and displays a wide variety of videos that tell interesting, informative, and educational geographic stories.  For more information and to see some of the video stories:  http://gis.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k235&pageid=icb.page391938





District Builder: An Open Source Web-based Redistricting Application

As part of their Public Mapping Project, Dr. Michael P. McDonald of George Mason University and Dr. Micah Altman, Senior Research Scientist at Harvard University Institute for Quantitative Social Science, have teamed up with Azavea to produce this application: http://www.directionsmag.com/pressreleases/azavea-george-mason-university-and-harvard-university-present-district-buil/154562


New Data in Harvard Geospatial Library

HGL has recently added the following data sets, available to all: Operational Navigation Charts, Tactical Pilotage Charts, and Army Map Service maps (series G504, P502, and Z501) of Africa.  Available to Harvard affiliates only: Spot Image scenes of the Dar es Salaam region, Tanzania, and historical marketing and demographic data (1995) by census tract and zip code for the U.S.  Available at:



Harvard Geospatial Library Releases New Interface Upgrades

A new update to the Harvard Geospatial Library was put into production on February 13th. This update includes support for Google Maps, Yahoo Maps and Open Street Map. Upgrades to the HGL GeoRSS feed were rolled into production as well and include support for more robust searching. Please see: http://hgl.harvard.edu




URISA 2011 Student Competition

The Urban and Regional Information Systems Association is accepting poster and paper submittals for a student contest, with a submittal deadline of June 6, 2011. For more information and to submit a poster or paper: http://www.urisa.org/student_paper_competition


VISualize 2011 Users Meeting

This is a joint meeting aimed at users of IDL and ENVI remote sensing software, covering topics such as remote sensing, GIS, data analysis and visualization, and more.  Abstract submittal deadline is March 11, 2011, and the conference will be held April 12-14 in Washington, D.C. For more information: http://www.cvent.com/events/visualize-2011/event-summary-59dd433118bf487f8fdfb8caa0c7776e.aspx





GITA Scholarship and Internship for GIS Students
The New England Chapter of the Geospatial Information & Technology Association is offering scholarship and internship (with stipend) opportunities for GIS students attending New England-area colleges, universities and technical institutes. The internship this year is for $2,000, and the deadline for applications is March 4, 2011.  For more info:
National Council for Geographic Education Grants

The NCGE’s Research Committee will award grants in 2011 for research on issues related to geography education.  Proposals may request up to $4,000 for projects lasting up to 24 months.  For all of the details, see our grants page:

ESRI Community Analyst

Introduction page:


Quick Start Video:

Geophotos: An Artistic Map and Photo Exhibit
Celmapper.net Cellular Coverage and Tower Maps
Map Your Facebook Friends
Open Cell Signal Map
National Broadband Map
TileMill Web Map Styling Platform



Editor of this issue: Jeff Blossom

The CGA Newsletter is published monthly.

For previously published issues, visit:


For the latest information, please visit our website http://gis.harvard.edu

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