February 2007

February 2007 


  • Non-Credit GIS Training Series
  • Howard T. Fisher Prize in Geographic Information Science (GIS) 2007
  • Idrisi Andes Software Available for Evaluation
  • Libraries, Museums, and Instructional Technology Program (LiMIT)
  • Presentation: Using GIS to Study Infectious Diseases



Non-Credit GIS Training Series

CGA will offer a GIS training series at two locations starting from early March.
Session Topics include:

  1. Introduction: data types and basic mapping
      March 2,   12:00-2:00pm   at CGIS HMDC Lab (Rm. N018)
      March 16,   12:30-2:30pm   at HSPH Micro Lab (Rm. LL6)
  2. Georeferencing and Geocoding
      April 6,   12:00-2:00pm   at CGIS HMDC Lab (Rm. N018)
      April 20,   12:00-2:00pm   at HSPH Micro Lab (Rm. LL6)
  3. Databases and Spatial Queries
      May 4,   12:00-2:00pm   at CGIS HMDC Lab (Rm. N018)
      May 18,   12:00-2:00pm   at HSPH Micro Lab (Rm. LL6)
  4. Basic Spatial Analysis
      June 1,   12:00-2:00pm   at CGIS HMDC Lab (Rm. N018)
      June 15,   12:00-2:00pm   at HSPH Micro Lab (Rm. LL6)
  5. Advanced Spatial Analysis
      July 6,   12:00-2:00pm (tentative)   at CGIS HMDC Lab (Rm. N018)
      July 20,   12:00-2:00pm (tentative)   at HSPH Micro Lab (Rm. LL6)

To register for any of these non-credit GIS training sessions, submit the web form.

Howard T. Fisher Prize in Geographic Information Science (GIS) 2007

We are accepting submissions to the Howard T. Fisher Prize in Geographic Information Science (GIS) 2007 from both graduate and undergraduate students in good standing at Harvard University.

The Howard T. Fisher Prize for excellence in Geographic Information Science was established in 1999 by the Harvard University GIS User’s Group to acknowledge, promote and reward student work in the field of Geographic Information Science at Harvard University. Students can submit their work in one of these two categories: undergraduate and graduate students. See further details and rules regarding the H. T. Fisher Prize in GIS.

The deadline for submittal of the students work is Friday, May 18, 2007 at 5pm. (Announcement provided by Lucia Lovison)

Idrisi Andes Software Available for Evaluation

CGA recently acquired an evaluation license of Idrisi Andes for 90 days. This software is primarily for image processing.See details. CGA would like to collect user commends on Idrisi compared with ERDAS Imagine, the image processing software currently provided under a site license. Interested users may email contact@cga.harvard.edu to install a temporary evaluation copy of Idrisi.



Libraries, Museums, and Instructional Technology Program (LiMIT)

On the morning of March 28, the Provost’s Office will be holding a program for library, museum, and instructional technology staff. The purpose of the Libraries, Museums, and Instructional Technology Program (LiMIT) program is to encourage dialog between staff counterparts working in instructional technology units, the museums, and libraries. The demonstrations and break out sessions have been selected to:

  • Share information with emphasis on showing benefit and ways to support one another’s initiatives resulting in better teaching and learning for Harvard
  • Expose each other to the way the groups are organized
  • Build a foundation for collaboration between these groups in service to teaching
  • Educate participants about resources that can enhance what each group does

A final program agenda will be distributed in early March. This is an invitation Harvard-staff only event. If you would like to attend the program, please submit your contact information on the following form, http://poll.icommons.harvard.edu/poll/taker/pollTaker.jsp?poll=1-5654-46780. Please contact Mary Spidle, mary_spidle@harvard.edu, for more information about the event.

Presentation: Using GIS to Study Infectious Diseases

John Brownstein from the Children’s Hospital will be presenting at the March 21st ABCD-GIS meeting. The presentation is scheduled at the Landmark Center in the Longwood area, starting at 12:30pm. Landmark Center is at 401 Park Drive (Fenway T Stop which can be requested on the M2 shuttle). The Meeting will be on 4th floor west, in room 414.



International Digital Earth 3D Visualization Contest 
Sponsored by Google, NASA, ESRI, and other technology leaders, this international contest will seek to discover the best examples of visualizing the challenging issues involved in bridging science to public understanding, policy, and action.
Contest rules and entry form.   Entry deadline: April 1, 2007.   Inquiries: info@isde5.org.

Geospatial Industry 2007 Outlook 
Comments from industry leaders on major milestones, advancements required and future promise.

Why and How Is GIS Used in Education 
Teaching about GIS, Teaching with GIS, ESRI Education User Conference.

Here Comes Microsoft 
“Microsoft has recently made some dramatic strides in the geospatial area that move it ahead of Google in various respects, upping the ante in the competition.”

Google KML Search 
What Does it Mean for Geospatial Professionals?

Pictures of Strategic Sites to Blur! 
India, South Korea and Thailand raised objection to the ready availability of high resolution pictures of “sensitive” areas on Google Earth, citing possible misuse by terrorists and other anti-national elements as reason.

Some Google Earth/Map Features and Images Shared among Archaeologists

Editor of this issue: Wendy Guan
The CGA Newsletter is published monthly.
For the latest information, please visit our website http://www.gis.harvard.edu
For subscribe/unsubscribe, please email contact@cga.harvard.edu

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