Youth Tobacco Initiative

The Medical Foundation partners with the Massachusetts Tobacco Control Program (MTCP) which is a youth-led, statewide movement focused on tobacco prevention and control. This MTCP project focused on locations of schools compared to tobacco retailers, and the level of tobacco advertising compliance (number and placement of ads) at each retail location. CGA created base maps for Boston, displaying aerial photography, school locations with 1,000 foot buffers, and tobacco retailer locations. Local high school students used the maps for orientation, and visited the retailers for data collection and site photography with a GPS camera phone.

After the students compiled the data into spreadsheets, the CGA provided a training session for the students on how to map the collected data into Google Maps, embed a photo into the map linked from Picasa Web Albums, import the locations into ArcMap, and join the field collected data to each location for thematic map. The students plan to add results of the project to their collection of material advocating against tobacco use. View the interactive web map.<\p>

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