
濮陽縣 (traditional Chinese)

濮阳县 (simplified Chinese)

Puyang Xian (Pinyin)

type: xian county
temporal span: from 939 to 1076
spatial info: POINT point N 35.65017 E 115.07806 (geo data source: FROM_FD)
part of:

澶州 Chan Zhou from 939 to 943
澶州 Chan Zhou from 939 to 987
澶州 Chan Zhou from 944 to 1076
澶州 Chan Zhou from 988 to 1076
no subunits
data source: CHGIS
source note: 濮阳县(939-1076) 五代晋天福四年(939)徙治澶州南郭,⑴在今山东濮阳县驻地东南。⑵属澶州。北宋熙宁十年(1077年),黄河决澶州,城圯,迁治。⑶ ⑴《太平寰宇记》卷57《河北道六》。 ⑵嘉庆《清一统志》卷17《大名府一》:“《明统志》:德胜砦在开州南三里,汉乾祐初,自夹河移澶州于此。”(第12册,第12页) ⑶正德《大名府志》卷一《疆域志》。
Copyright: 2024 © CHGIS, License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published by: China Historical GIS [Harvard University and Fudan University]

Generated by the Temporal Gazetteer Service