This website contains data and documents available for public use, that are part of public domain. They were put together from various sources by the Center for Geographic Analysis at Harvard University for a presentation made at the "Oil and the Contemporary Globe" workshop entitled "Using Google Earth as a Classroom Tool" on August 13, 2009.
- Center for Geographic Analysis, September, 2009

Data downloads:

global_oil_data_v1.kmz - A package of maps in Google Earth format (32mb). Download the file, and open it in Google Earth.

presentation_outline.doc - The notes Jeff Blossom used during his workshop presentation on 8/13/2009. Notes refer to the content in the global_oil_data_v1.kmz file.

Google Earth tutorials and links:

To download Google Earth, go to

Google Earth Gallery - contains many .kmz files on all sorts of subjects, available for display in GE.

More google earth kmz files.

Google Earth tutorials.

Getting the most out of Google Earth - A power point slideshow highlighting some of the functionality of Google Earth. Intended for use within an instructor led workshop, but has value outside of that setting.

Screenshots from the global_oil_data_v1.kmz viewed in Google Earth:

Please contact the CGA with questions about this data.